10/14/24 [11:15 p.m.] - did another game scores update since I bested my pso2 dragon altar pb by 1 second!!
10/13/24 [11:35 p.m.] - hello kittys on the cutie list now! another one that I dunno how wasn't there sincer forever x.x;
10/12/24 [11:57 p.m.] - added a bit about glasses to my profile lol!
10/11/24 [11:26 p.m.] - got a rare random game scores page update for the first couple of pso2 ngs things on it!
10/10/24 [9:55 p.m.] - got this ^».«^ pretty pumped up face in the legend now!
10/09/24 [10:32 p.m.] - feels like its about time for some pkmn movie rewatches so I bumped up on the media page to the watchin' part!
10/08/24 [9:32 p.m.] - sliding in with a pso2 other things page update since I finished ep4 on hardcore and cleared another tedious risk quest!
Current update streak: 2289 days in a row.
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