Guilty Dragon
New World



Other Albums

Other Information
# to A to Z
.hack// Version 2
.hack//G.U. Version 2
.hack//G.U. Version 3
.hack//G.U. Version 4
.hack in the West
Localization Woes
Popularity Poll (2008)
Popularity Poll (2010)
Popularity Poll (2012)
Popularity Poll (2017)
Project X Zone
Project X Zone 2: BNW
Recurring Words
Official & Fan Sites
My Collection
Update Log
These are all the changes/fixes/addtions I've done to the archives! If its hard ta understand or read thats my own fault since these are just lil notes I write to myself when I find something needs fixing! Newly added stuff oughta be clear though!

03/16/24: "oughta be noted"
- Link
A notes been added near the top of the Patch Issues page since much of the info there should be obsolete due to the latest round of patches released earlier this year!

05/06/23: "v1.51"
- Other Albums
changed title info from "OSTs" to "Other Albums" for Piano AC 1 & 2 and The Best of G.U. pages

- Misc
My Collection: fixed piano arrange collection pics

04/22/23: "its somethin!"
- Misc
Got the Releases page updated with this years stuff so far, unless I've missed somethin!

04/08/23: "over 20 years late (pt.1)"
- Infection
16 new and much better pics have been added to the screenshots page!

02/18/23: "just alil new"
- Other Albums
Pages for all three volumes of the 20th Best cds are up!

02/04/23: "pretty pricey!"
- My Collection
The best of .hack 20th cds are a part of my collection now!

12/31/22: "v1.50"
NPC Script: removed line break between character names and the start of their dialogue

12/17/22: "Further Monster Data~ (pt.4)"
- Quarantine
Got the Monsters page for this game caught up with the others in regard to monster elements & tolerances!

12/03/22: "Monster Data EX"
- Link
Got additional notes for Burning Meow, Gobelion, and Giuletta on the Monsters page!

11/19/22: "Neoshops"
- Misc
A new errors been added to Localization Woes pg.2 for G.U. Vol.2, 3, & Last Recode! Also to new fansites I happened to come across are now listed on the Official & Fan Sites page!

11/05/22: "Further Monster Data~ (pt.3)"
- Outbreak
Now the page for this games Monsters has gotten the element & tolerance treatment! One more to go!

09/24/22: "v1.49"
Monsters: fixed Porolin & Lambada Knifes location "Pagan Fiery Sands" -> "Buried Pagan Fiery Sands"

- Mutation
Monsters: added missing blue coloring to Stehoney R's name and * after it

Mobile: renamed & reordered pics

Other Albums: centered Kaikai Kiki cover art

09/17/22: "Year 11 + Further Monster Data~ (pt.2)"
- Mutation
Same as last weeks update but for this games Monsters page! Just hoping the element abbreviations and placement of this additional data works for people!

09/10/22: "Further Monster Data~ (pt.1)"
- Infection
The Monsters page now has elements & tolerances for baddies that have them! Only ones missing are the Data Bug bosses which'll require a replay of the game by me, but they're one-offs so its ok to miss 'em for now!

09/03/22: "back from a break"
- Misc
Filled in the Releases page even further! ZERO english which I'd been forgetting to add, some recent anniversary stuff, some more past things I'd missed!

08/06/22: "anything for..."
- Misc
The Official & Fan Sites page now includes the official site for .hack//Mobile and the fan site .hack//Bloggers!

- My Collection
Both Piano Arrange Collections cds have been added to this! My totals so going over $2500 this year.

07/23/22: "classical?"
- Other Albums
Pages for both Piano Arrange Collections cds have been added!

07/16/22: "checking in"
- Misc
The Checklists been updated to include G.U. Begins and not several more fanslated things. # to A to Z now includes G.U. Begins as well! Don't ask how I keep forgetting about Begins!

07/09/22: "Unearthed"
- Mobile
I dug up a whole bunch of screenshots I hadn't had before for this game and added them to its page!

06/18/22: "The things I miss"
- Misc
Intermezzo, Rena Special, and Mobile are now present on the Releases page! Shoulda been there forever ago. An for that matter, the last four G.U. Begins chapters are on there as well! How'd I not add those a couple months back??

06/04/22: "v1.48"
- Rebirth
Guild Shops: completely changed the formatting to match Reminisce's Guild Shops page

- Reminisce
Guild Shops: no more double spacing between the end of one guilds list and the start of the nexts

- Reconnection
Weapons: removed Goblin Abyss from Spell Baiyans get list since that monsters not in the game

- Manga
updated the G.U. Begins cover art to the official one

05/21/22: "for completionism! (pt.2)"
- Reminisce
A page covering the good sold in guild shops has been added! Unlike the page for Vol.1, this one right now just covers the late/post-game stuff. More work to be done!

05/07/22: "nothing much"
- Misc
Plopped G.U. Begins into the Timeline cause why not! Its probably canon, right?

04/16/22: "You stupid monkey!"
- Other Albums
The Best of G.U. gots itself a page now! This cd could've been so much better.

04/02/22: "Whats out?"
- Misc
Been much longer than usual since the last Releases page update which is why I'm doing one now! Hope its caught up!

03/19/22: "View Credits"
- Misc
A new oddity I'd just noticed this past weeks been added to the tail end of the .hack//G.U. Version 4 page!

- My Collection
The Last Recode "Begins Edition" in heavy quotes is now part of the collection!

03/12/22: "Its much smaller"
- Reconnection
Updated this page to include Switch version release dates and memory sizes!

03/05/22: "G.U. Ends"
- Manga
Got the G.U. Begins page as up to date as it can be! Now can G.U. please Ends - for good?

02/19/22: "Oddities"
- Reminisce/Redemption
The Customization Items pages have updated info for Cow Stomach, a note added for it, and Stingray Stingers note has also been updated!

02/05/22: "Rated: O (for oops I forgot)"
- Reconnection
Updated the main page with more info on additions to its release and finally included the esrb rating!

01/22/22: "v1.47"
- Mutation
Monster List: fixed Ochimusha's name code, removed color coding and * from Water Witch

- Rebirth
Guild Shops: fixed a number of spacing mistakes and added underlines to early/late/post-game text

- Misc
Checklist: capitalized ZERO

01/08/22: "cuz i'm so tired"
- Manga
Another .hack//G.U. Begins update. Six chapters in a months been a surprisingly swift release. Going by page count about a third of its out!

12/18/21: "Another weekly wait"
- Manga
Made a page for the .hack//G.U. Begins manga which has started to come out! Hooray for new... kinda... sorta... material!

12/11/21: "it begins?"
- Misc
Added the Last Recode Switch site & gamefaqs page to the Official & Fansites page, alongside making sure all the currently existing links still work!

11/20/21: "for completionism! (pt.1)"
- Rebirth
Created a page which lists the items the various guild shops sell! Doing this for Vol.2 is gonna be way worse, and the worst for Vol.3.

10/30/21: "a big one"
- Misc
A buncha things released in the past few months are now noted on the Releases page! Still wishing I could play patched Versus!

10/16/21: "Standout 2"
- Reminisce/Redemption
Both games Monsters pages have been updated with helpful identifying marks for ones new to those games!

10/02/21: "v1.46"
- Redemption
Customization Items: changed "SP" to "HP" for Nil Abduct, changed "25%" to "50%" for Nil Embrace

- Reconnection
Customization Items: added missing linebreak between Anti-Air Compass & Crystal Skull, and Armadillo Shell & Mind Larva

- Novel
The Duplicate Phenomenon: changed "01" to "01." to match the others

- Misc
Checklist: moved Ragtime below Journal of the Dark and Wicked and The Duplicate Phenomenon

09/17/21: "Year 10 + Stacking the Slots (pt.4)"
- Reconnection
At last the Customization Items page for Reconnection has been updated with info on item slot numbers and if the items stack or not!

This place hit the 10 year mark huh?! An almost weekly updates for 8 of 'em! Shift to bi-weekly was needed as .hack content further dried up an I've needed more time ta go into deeper info digs! I haven't run fully outta ideas for stuff to add yet!

09/04/21: "Fan List"
- Misc
Updated the Checklist ta make note of stuff thats been fan translated!

08/21/21: "Black Side"
- Novel
Got a page up for the recently fanslasted Journal of the Dark and Wicked! Good ta see falions an other peeps still plugging away at stuff like this! Much appreciated as always!

08/07/21: "its spoilery"
- Quarantine
Updated the text on the Screenshots page since it really didn't match up well with what I had posted!

07/24/21: "Slow season"
- Misc
A couple more things have been added to this years part of the Releases page! Seems fragments story modes fully translated now huh? One of these days I should get myself one of them fancy dvd-r thingies an try to join in on that!

07/10/21: "Stacking the Slots (pt.3)"
- Redemption
Time for this games bit Customization Items page update to include info on item slots an if they stack of not! Got an additional note in the notes part to!

06/26/21: "v1.45"
- Reminisce/Redemption/Reconnection
changed "Customizing Items" to "Customization Items" in those pages titles

- Rebirth
Extras: Area Words: removed " / L011 / Cave" from the Halberd entry

- Misc
Localization Woes: removed a long dead link in one of the Games entries

06/12/21: "Stacking the Slots (pt.2)"
- Rebirth
The Customization Items page now notes the Amber Dragon Eye effect does stack!

- Reminisce
The number of slots each item takes and if they stack or not has been added to this Customization Items page!

05/22/21: "New Snaps!"
- Reconnection
Finally made a Screenshots page for this game!

05/08/21: "Shorts?"
- Misc
On the Official & Fan Sites page I updated Bamco's url & name while also adding Dothack Networks youtube page to the list!

04/24/21: "Standout"
- Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Each of the Monsters pages for these games have been updated with helpful bits to identify monsters new to each game! Should prolly get ta doing this for the G.U. versions at some point.

04/03/21: "Been meaning to"
- Misc
Updated the Releases page which months of new stuffs! I moved my .hack wallpapers page over to this side of the site as well since its much more fitting for it to be here!

03/20/21: "Player Beware!"
- Link
I've added a new page addressing various unfortunate Patch Issues this games final english patch has. What to look out for an what to do to get around 'em!

03/13/21: "v1.44"
- Infection/Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Armor: corrected the spelling of Ogre (was Orge)
Weapon: corrected the spelling of Lambada Knife (was Lambda) and link to it from Lavaman Spear for I/M, and from Komura for O/Q

- Infection
Demo: fixed link to the third to last screenshot
Rare: corrected Rusty Nails name= code
Weapon: corrected Executioners name= spelling

- Mutation
Armor: corrected spelling of Dalaigon (was Dalagion), and Dalaigon Anecdote (was Dalagion Anecdote)
Monster: added missing "R" to the second iteration of Stehoney, corrected spelling of Dalaigon (was Dalagion), and Dalaigon Anecdote (was Dalagion Anecdote)
Rare: the first set of Goblin tag prize links have been fixed
Weapon: corrected spelling of Dalaigon (was Dalagion), and Dalaigon Anecdote (was Dalagion Anecdote)

- Outbreak
Extras Guide: rename Cat's Hat to Cats Hat
Phantom of Nine: fixed weapon links by changing them from html to php
Rare: the first two sets of Goblin tag prize links have been fixed
Weapon: removed an extra space between "Found" and "Terajima" under White Axe, corrected the first row of Gaia's Staffs stat alignments an a strangely missing A from Atk

- Quarantine
Armor: corrected spelling of Cerberus (was Cereberus), added name= code to Cursed Hands
Monster: Alien Leg Mail link fixed (led to Weapon page instead of Armor), corrected spelling of Cerberus (was Cereberus), fixed Rock'n Roll link
Rare: the first three sets of Goblin tag prize links have been fixed
Weapon: corrected spelling of Cerberus (was Cereberus), corrected the first row of Gaia's Staffs stat alignments an a strangely missing A from Atk

- Rebirth/Reminisce/Redemption/Reconnection
Weapon: corrected numerous M-ATK misalignments

- Reminisce/Redemption/Reconnection
Armor: corrected several M-DEF misalignments

- Reminisce
Armor: added name= code to Black Armor
Extras Guide: changed Steam Watch link to accessories page (was wrongly linked to armor)

- Redemption
Armor: Loose Guardian area location pulled up a line
Epilogue: so many text alignment fixes you wouldn't believe it

- Reconnection
Demo: fixed link to the Rebirth demo page
Trading List: closed the name= code tag after Balalaika
Trophies: added an additional linebreak before Battlefield Besties & The Truth Is Out to fix formatting
Weapon: swapped Goblin General and Corporate Yano's positions under Blade Seki's found locations

- Link
Extras Guide: fixed the link to the Extra: Codes page

- Novel
G.U. Ragtime: added a missing : after the last sections page number

- Misc
Releases: added a missing ( ) around various .hack// (novel) entries to maintain consistency

01/30/21: "A bitter end"
- Novel
Been a long while since I had to update .hack//bullets page but with the e-book release and its final extra chapter theres some new things to see there!

01/16/21: "Dead and Alive"
- Misc
Went ahead an did some stuff for the Official & Fansites page! Got Falions place added and current status of dothackers updated. Sad to see the Roots site all but dead. In fact many official sites pretty much are, but so long as they still lead to something I won't list 'em as being dead.

01/02/21: "Lets get goin'!"
- Novel
The page for G.U. Ragtime got some updatin' to include a couple of notes and changing the chapter titles to reflect those used in the fan translation!

12/26/20: "Solo MP"
- Link
Updated the Link Play page with alot more info. Finally feeling more or less complete to me!

12/12/20: "New Novel"
- Misc
Got the Releases page up to date once more as near end of the year wrap-up! Be sure to thank your local fan translators!

11/28/20: "v1.43"
- Quarantine
Extras: corrected Tsukasa 1 reply from "Because" to "Because..." and Elk 1 reply Don't aplogize" to "Don't Apologize"
Weapon List: removed an extra linebreak between Kurenai's stats/skills and found location & Saburo, removed extra linebreak between Kaiens stats/skills, corrected the name of "Claimh Solais" had been "Claim Solais", Shinto Dream is now listed before Ishtar Wand

- Audio
Drama: fixed the centering of the Innocent Call image, also cleaned up the code some by removing loads of repeat center commands

- Misc
Update Log: corrected Sanjuro's name (was "Sanjura" oops) on the 09/17/20 update

11/14/20: "Location 'dex (pt.12)"
- Quarantine
I've found / added locations for Blade's Chain, Giraffe Hood, Matador Hood, Angel's Cap, Thunder Dragon, Dark Dragon, Mercenary Mask, Celestial Robe, Dark Beast, Paladin Mail, Omega Guard, War God Guard, Sacred Guard, Electric Hands, Midnight Hands, Master's Hands, Divine Hands, Storm Greaves, Ultra Solleret, Storm Leg Mail, Ebony Leg Mail, and Lone Leg Mail!! Which finishes off the final Armor List!

On the Weapon List side of things I found / added locations for Kurenai, Black Chapter, Sorcery Swords, Kaien, Mokuren, Banished Blade, Honor's Breath, Scarlet Cross, Godslayer, Needleblade, Gold Sword, Trickster, Saturn Sword, Mercury Sword, Mars Sword, Phantom Pain, Skysweeper, Sun Fang Zero, Grim Sword, Kikusenmonji, Earthbreaker, Nightingale, Honokagutuchi, Azure Blade, Heavy Tempest, Mercy Killer, Higekirimaru, Claimh Solais, Stonegod Sword, Sword of Gain, Asian Phoenix, Shock Axe, Plasma Axe, Malice's Axe, Neptune, Vampire Axe, Crazy Axe, Lightning Axe, Volcanic Spear, Forest Spear, Thunder Spear, Kaiser Glaive, Golden Dragon, Awful Spear, Spear of Curse, Demon Lance, Hellfire Spear, Primal Spear, Moonstruck, Hag's Wand, Negation Wand, Wand of Truth, Witch's Stick, Shinto Dream, Ishtar Wand, Meggido Wand, and Wand of Dreams!

10/31/20: "Extra Extension (pt.4)"
- Quarantine
This games Extras Guide got some improved info on how to tackle Zyan X and some updated mail info for BlackRose, Mistral, Piros, Sanjuro, Wiseman, and Balmung! The Epilogue page also got new stuff added to its "Free Time" and "Tactics" sections!

10/17/20: "The rest of 'em (pt.4)"
- Quarantine
Finally the Items page for Quarantine has gotten its extended update!

10/03/20: "The tales they were in"
- Misc
The Crossovers pages gets an update mentioning .hacks latest foray into the Tales-verse!

09/17/20: "Year 9 + Extra Extension (pt.3)"
- Outbreak
Updated this Extras Guide with info on the Bonus Dungeon, and new info on BlackRose, Sanjuro, Wiseman, and Balmung e-mails! Plus Nightcall and Aquacall have been added to the Scrolls page!

09/05/20: "v1.42"
- Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Armor: the "------------------------" line break in the second Leg armor part was lengthened to match the others

- Outbreak
Extras Guide: replaced an incorrect "Beast's Bane" with "Warrior's Bane"

- Quarantine
Armor: changed Fire Lion Hood & Aqua Hands location to match Outbreaks, moved Ice Dragon Area location in front of the trade one, removed many needless instances of "name=" stuff
Weapon: changed Kikoku's location to match Outbreaks

08/22/20: "Location 'dex (pt.11)"
- Outbreak
I've found Fire Lion Hood, Rock Dragon, Briny Guard, Charred Guard, Hammer Gloves, Inferno Gloves, Sonic Gloves, Aqua Hands, Fire Hands, Sprite Hands, Oaken Solleret, and Flame Leg Mail locations! Which wraps up another Armor List!

An I also found locations for Kikoku, Rai, San, Byakuen Custom, Divine Speed, and Liquid Axe for the Weapon List!

- Quarantine
Naturally, most of these (save for one which became available in the last shop) I double checked 'em for this game and plopped them on the Armor/Weapon pages!

08/09/20: "The rest of 'em (pt.3)"
- Outbreak
An now the Items page for Outbreaks gotten all them Key Items that had been missing from it in its list!

07/25/20: "Money making w/Mistral"
- Link
Figured I should update Extras: Grinding page an so I've added a section covering how to make big money. Added alil to the end of the Die!! part of the Titles section to!

07/18/20: "Its Anecdote ok?"
- Misc
Localization Woes pg.2 gets several more things from Mutation, and a recurring one, and slightly different one for Outbreak/Quarantine as well!

07/04/20: "Piling up + Location 'dex (pt.10.1)"
- Mutation
I at long last found the Dhampir Lance in this game so its at long last rightfully been added to the Weapons page!

- Outbreak/Quarantine
The location for Dhampir Lance has been put on these games Weapons pages!

- Misc
Almost 20 chapters of the .hack web novels been fanslated since I last updated the Releases list so I've gone an updated that! Ya'll have been keeping up on reading those right?

06/20/20: "Extra Extension (pt.2)"
- Mutation
The Extras Guide has been updated to include a section for the Bonus Dungeon, and updated info on BlackRose, Mistral, and Piros e-mails!

06/06/20: "v1.41"
- Infection/Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Armor/Weapon Lists: changed "Weapon Shop" to "Weapon shop" because sometimes it was the former and others was the latter
Armor List: changed (Lv. = Weapon Level) to (Lv. = Armor Level)

- Outbreak/Quarantine
Weapon List: the hover text for Repth under Comet Blade was strangely missing, but is now in place

- Infection
Armor List: added a missing "Found: " to Green Guardl's location
Extras Guide: fixed the broken Key Axe link

- Quarantine
Weapon List: added a missing "Found: " to Fair Soul's location

- Misc
Update Log: changed "Location 'dex (Pt.9)" to "Location 'dex (pt.9). added missing year break line between 2019-2020 updates.

05/30/20: "Location 'dex (pt.10)"
- Mutation
Locations for Demon's Cap, Devil Helm, Priest's Stole, Armor of Hell, Able Ring, Drain Gloves, Osorezan Socks, Magic Leg Mail have discovered & added to the Armor List! Like before this means all pieces of armor have been found!

Plus, the locations of Homura, Comet Blade, Menhir Sword, Matoi, Soul Linker, Hien, Raimei, Sharktooth, Ghostdancer, Charged Axe, Brook Axe, Sorcery's Axe, Flame Spear, Mage Spear, Bubble Rod, Gaia's Staff got found & put onto the Weapon List!

- Outbreak/Quarantine
An of course (barring ones which became available in later shops) these locations were double checked for the latter two games and once accounted for have been included in their Armor/Weapon pages! Oh an for some reason most, but not all, pieces of gear found in the Sigma server weapon shop didn't have it listed as a place they can be found, so thats been corrected!

05/16/20: "The rest of 'em (pt.2)"
- Mutation
Time for Mutations Items page to be powered up with all the Key Items that had been missing from it!

05/02/20: "We are the grunties!"
- Infection/Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Added a "where's the food?" section to each of the Grunty Guide pages!

04/18/20: "One Shot"
- Misc
Found two more little things in Mutation to add to its spot on page 2 of the Localization Woes!

04/11/20: "Location 'dex (pt.9)"
- Infection
Raccoon Earcap, Newt Necklace, Thunder Torque, Lightning Cap, Stormlord Helm, Thunder Cloak, Quakebeast Fur, Thunder Armor, Rusted Hands, Hands of Water, Hands of Storm, Thunder Anklet, Jungle Boots, Thunder Boots, Leather Legs, Flare Guard, and Green Guard now either have locations for where they can be found, method of getting them if springs are involved, or both on the Armor List page! With this, every piece of armor gear in Infection has been "found"!

Spark Blades, Hell's Gate, Seal Sword, Curing Sword, Flamberge, Nodachi, Devil Blade, Dryad's Sword, Flame Axe, Midnight Axe, Fiend Spear, Starstorm Wand have locations listed for finding them on the Weapon List page!

- Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
And after going into each of the subsequent games an checking that each an every of the above findings (barring ones which became available in later shops) were present in the same places, those Armor/Weapon pages were updated to include them as well!

03/21/20: "The rest of 'em (pt.1)"
- Infection
The Items page finally includes grunty food, virus cores, and the ryu books!

03/14/20: "stickin' with it!"
- Misc
Got the latest Releases from the past couple months now covered on that page!

02/29/20: "Extra Extension (pt.1)"
- Infection
The Extras Guide has gotten another update. This time adding info on how you can be "locked out" of getting Natsume & Sanjuro, and also info on the games bonus dungeon. Summon Thunder has also been added to the Scrolls page. It took me 8 playthrough of Infection to run across that item in this game!!

02/15/20: "v1.40"
- Infection
Extras: changed "Its also one of only three summon spells you'll have access to until the second game." to "Its also the only non-scroll based summon you'll have access for until the second game."

- Link
added a slot Screenshots in its side menu

- TV
de-centered an pushed "Notes:" down a line on each series page to match their setting elsewhere on the site LotT: added "before" in the ending line "few reruns departing"

02/08/20: "on closer inspection..."
- Infection
Added an additional extra mail w/correct reply for both BlackRose and Mistral to the Extras Guide! Turns out those non-chain mails can raise affection with the right reply and I'd just never bothered to check that in all these years. Oops.

01/25/20: "Stacking the Slots (pt.1)"
- Rebirth
The Customization Items page now lists how many slots each item takes and whether their effects stack or not!

01/04/20: "Chapter Rush!"
- Misc
Gotta Releases page update for all them .hack// novel fanslated chapters that've been rollin' out! If you're not keeping up with 'em, go read! Really enjoying the random cutting to previously unheard of real world incidents.

12/28/19: "the true virus core grind (pt.1)"
- Link
I've put a page covering efficient grinding methods for the game, cause if any .hack needs such a guide its this one! Much more work to come on it eventually!

12/21/19: "A new find"
- Misc
Localization Woes pg.2 got updated with a new LotT typo I spotted (pg.27) and pg.3 now notes some corrections found in the LotT "The Complete Collection" release!

12/14/19: "Better written?"
- Video
The tv series pages have gotten some additional info, written more smoothly, and better organized!

12/07/19: "About time!"
- Misc
I added direct page links to multi-page articles onto the Other Infomation page. I've also included links to both PXZ games, gamefaqs pages in the Official & Fansites page!

11/23/19: "Scraping the obscure floor"
- Other Albums
Discovered an Ali Project release which includes the Roots ending theme on it, so thats gotten added to the list/page!

11/16/19: "v1.39"
- Versus
Extras: changed "battle objectives" to "missions"
Trophies: moved the (p) up a line, removed an extra (b), removed an extra (b) from the Break Attack/BlackRose /100 Titles listings, changed "Battle Objectives" to "Missions"
changed the still not made "Battle Objectives" page name to "Missions" on the sidebar

- Audio
changed the layout of the Singles/Drama pages to match the OSTs/Other Albums pages

11/02/19: "Prequel or Prologue?"
- Misc
I've updated the Releases page with the past months so of new amazingly fanslated stuffs!

10/26/19: "Optional but worth it!"
- Link
A main Extras Guide page has been made for Link!

10/19/19: "Percentage Drop"
- Misc
Dunno why I missed adding 'em to the Checklist earlier, but the two short novels released last year have been put on that page!

10/12/19: "The chunkiest book"
- Manga
A page has been made for the LotT The Complete Collection which can be found in the regular LotT manga page under the single volume versions!

10/05/19: "Cross-mania (Pt.7)"
- Misc
Three more pieces of equipment (Grim Reaper's Scythe, Ticking Death, Aura's Cloak) have been added to the second PXZ2 page!

09/28/19: "Further representation"
- Versus
Did a little updating of the Characters page, namely for Sakuya, Haseo, and Ovan!

09/17/19: "Year 8 + Cross-mania (Pt.6)"
- Misc
I dove back into PXZ2 to tackle its Challenge Mode and I return with a seventh page detailing the relevant info I came back with!

09/14/19: "End of Season"
- Video
Unison and Returners pages got update with release & length info!

09/07/19: "Mad Grass Patch"
- Misc
On the Enemy page I've put a card image from each set just ta show off what they were like!

08/24/19: "Free to Grind"
- Link
The Chapters page has been updated to include a numeric breakdown of chapters and to add and include info on the Free Points!

08/17/19: "v1.38"
- Manga
Beyond the World: un-all-caps'd the "SORA" part on the page and menu

- Misc
# to A to Z: un-all-caps'd the "SORA" in the BtW manga name
Official & Fansites: corrected a typo "ded -> dead" under the dev/pub part
PXZ2 Monsters: corrected many many alignment issues, removed "Accessory: none" since no baddies have them anyway, and "Gear: none" for monsters that don't have any, corrected instances of "ATK" to "Atk" and instances of "Atk" to "Atk:", changed instances of "Block: -" to "Block: 0", added correct "Block" stat for monster prior to Chapter 14
Releases: un-all-caps'd the "SORA" in the BtW manga name
Timeline: changed "G.U. Vol.1: Rebirth - Chapters 2 - 31" to 33

08/03/19: "Good work!"
- Misc
A flurry of fan translated stuffs come out in the past few months so I've compiled 'em onto the Releases page, along with a couple Japan only things from this and last year!

07/27/19: "keep it up!"
- Other Albums
The few of these I've got pages for have had release dates added to 'em!

07/20/19: "Another Split"
- Misc
Got last years short novels added into the # to A to Z and Timeline pages!

07/13/19: "No subs? No problem!"
- Manga
I've updated the Sora: Beyond the World page with chapter titles used with the recent fan translation and a couple of notes to go with it. Good work on the translation and really the whole package! Looks and reads good!

07/06/19: "Cross-mania (Pt.5)"
- Misc
A sixth page for Project X Zone 2 has been made, which covers the enemies stats of this games version of hard mode!

06/29/19: "Free stuff"
- Link
The Demo page now lists four more main game differences, and a page has been put up detailing the games secret codes!

06/22/19: "Title Screen?"
- Misc
Did a rewrite an touchup to the kinda toppage page of the archives! I also bumped a couple more non-up an running fansites to the dead part of the Official & Fansites page.

06/15/19: "Jack in and transmit!! (Pt.5)"
- Video
Finally episode summary pages for Online Jack 7/8/9 are here!!

06/08/19: "Cross-mania (Pt.4)"
- Misc
The first Project X Zone 2 page has gotten a big update to fill in missing blanks, the full level up skill list, and descriptions of the passive skills I somehow missed in-game on the first go! The second page has gotten Lit Honeysuckle added to the equipment list which I'd also somehow missed!

06/01/19: "White Side"
- Novel
Two new short novels have been added to the lineup! One of which, The Duplicate Phenomenon, has a page covering it thanks to it having been fan translated!

05/25/19: "v1.37"
- Link
Dress Up: Titles: reworked the pages design for better readability for once it gets filled in more
Dress Up: Weapon: changed Sacred Tiger Fang to Megaphone

- Misc
Releases: corrected the titles of the 2009 G.U. re-releases, added "- Trial Deck" to the first Victory Spark release

05/11/19: "Champeror"
- Misc
Slotted in a spot on the second Localization Woes page for a Vol.4 tidbit that I coulda swore was already there!

05/04/19: "They're all beasts"
- Link
An NPC Scr... List page for this game has been created!

04/27/19: "Death to the rats!"
- Misc
The Releases page has been updated to include the final handful of fanslated .hack//bullet dates and the .hack//Link Victory Spark - Booster Pack!

04/20/19: "Dated & Timed"
- Video
Since release and length info is present for Online Jacks page, I decded to add it to Gift and the Liminalitys as well! More to follow pending further research!

04/13/19: "Outside Help"
- Novel
Updated the link to the .hack// novel fan translation page!

- Misc
The G.U. Version 4 page has a small update regarding subtitles!

04/06/19: "Styling★Star"
- Link
Each Dress Up page has been updated to include info on which items give bonus abilities, and a new Dress Up page covering Titles has been added!

03/30/19: "littlies"
- Manga
Updated an added alil bit of extra info about the Guilty Dragon 4koma!

03/16/19: "Friends List"
- Link
The fskits page has been completely redone to include skit names and a bunch of notes as well!

03/09/19: "The Final Chapter"
- Link
Pages covering Abilities and Skills have been added! The post-game part of the Chapters page has additional info added! The Items page now lists some more key items and names/descriptions updated to match the current translation patch. And lastly the opening of that Monsters page has be rewritten along with adding the names of the Link Play bosses!

03/02/19: "Back Again"
- Misc
More stuffs been plopped into the Recurring Words list!

02/23/19: "Lagtime"
- Novel
I seriously thought I'd had this done already but apparently not! My brain is lagged! But now there is for sure a page for G.U. Ragtime in the novels department!

02/16/19: "v1.36"
- Reconnection
Weapons: added an underline to Spin Drake and Magic Cloud

- Link
Chapters: corrected the placement of Link 20 & 21
f-skits: corrected the spelling of Sieg's name
Monsters: replaced the old picture of Huge Roton with a larger much better one
Scrolls: changed "Gives" to "Give" in the status scroll descriptions, updated note from "v1.0.1" to "v1.0.2"

- Online Jack
Phase #3: changed an "it" to a "him"

02/09/19: "The latest loot"
- Misc
The Releases page is now far more up to date by including stuff put out towards the end of last year and the start of this one!

02/02/19: "Jack in and transmit!! (Pt.4)"
- Video
Online Jack 4/5/6 now have summary pages available!

01/26/19: "Idle Chatter"
- Misc
Two newly identified items have been added to the second Localization Woes page in its G.U. Vol.3 section!

01/19/19: "rng suffering"
- Reconnection
A Trading List page has arrived! The Armor and Weapon pages have been updated to properly link back and forth to the new page. The third note on the Customization Items list page now also notes the name changes the Maiden's Hair item does!

01/12/19: "No longer shining?"
- Misc
Two more items have been added to the New Features part of the G.U. Version 4 page!

01/05/19: "In with the!"
- Other Albums
Another album I'd missed in prior searching is now listed here, this one by the person who did the LotT anime OP!

12/29/18: "Out with the?"
- Misc
Since it became so cluttered looking, all dead sites on the Official & Fansites page have been booted to the bottom of the page. In addition several new official ones have been added!

12/22/18: "The lil things"
- Video
Added last years limited re-release date to G.U. Trilogy's main page!

12/15/18: "Shelf space saver!"
- My Collection
.hack//Roots Complete Series re-release is now a part of the collection!

12/08/18: "v1.35"
- Redmeption
Monsters: added (Vol.2) to the first set of Lost Weapon monsters, noted Captain Hook's name change in the Last Recode version of Vol.3

- Audio
Drama: the location of "total length" on these pages now matches where its placed on the OST/Singles pages

- Misc
In the West: fixed the link to page 4 on page 3
each Popularity Poll page had their notes sections organized
Releases: corrected a typo (LieN - Original Album - Azure -> LieN - Original Album - Azur)
Sidebars: a small change on Links "Extras guide" -> "Extras Guide"

12/01/18: "Minimal Hunting (Pt.3)"
- Redemption
Locations for Goblin General, Memento Mori, Magi Ramon, Mikistri, Tinder Baron, Sea Guathan, Blue Mage, Raid Liger, TeLeTali, Chaos Empress, Brigandine, Gobdam 78, Break Rest, Heavy Stamp, Arachnophobia, Dryramas, Megalo Adamant, Carrionteinne, Straight Felon, Yo-Ho Hyle, Huge Grudge, Barbarous Ankh, Judgement, Vak Abado, Rue Abado, Zan Abado, Gan Abado, Lei Abado, and Ani Abado have all been updated on the Monsters page! Farewell need for optional Area Words!

11/24/18: "Its done!"
- Misc
The flurry of recently fanslated stuffs been added to the Releases page!

11/17/18: "Item completion non-event"
- Link
Some names & descriptions on the Items page have been updated to match those found in the latest (final?) patch!

11/10/18: "Further organized"
- Misc
The explanation for the # to A to Z page has been updated, Returner is now listed where it should be, and Integration got added!

11/03/18: "Parity Increased!"
- Singles, Drama
For each one of these I have a page for, release date information is now included!

10/27/18: "300k"
- Misc
I added a whole bunch of official twitter links to the Official & Fansites page! Another long overdue thing that just never came to mind!

10/20/18: "Minimal Hunting (Pt.2)"
- Reminisce/Redemption
Area locations for Steam Goblin, Mono-Grosser, Chickie Mama, Ignis Tail, Hanger Berry, Forest King, Ani Fang, Lei Fang, Mighty Nauman, Elite Lizard, Long-Lived, Dardeus, Carrizabeth, Druk, and Massacre Mummy have been updated on the Monster lists! This takes care of the Reminisce monsters!

10/13/18: "Jack in and transmit!! (Pt.3)"
- Video
Pages with summaries for the first three Online Jack episodes have been added!

10/06/18: "Localization Heroes?"
- Misc
I've added a third page to the Localization Woes series which covers localization corrections found in the Last Recode rereleases!

09/29/18: "Minimal Hunting (Pt.1)"
- Rebirth/Reminisce/Redemption
Area locations for Goblin Sage, Raven Claw, Black Raptor, Hermit Owl, Vak Ziger, Zan Ziger, Metal Fist, Blaze Drake, and Horned Archelon have been updated on the Monster lists! No longer are unlockable Area Words needed... for the Rebirth monsters. Got to get to work on the Reminisce and then Redemption batches!

09/17/18: "Year 7"
- Novel
Not sure why it wasn't there much sooner, but Ragtime has been given a spot on the Novels page!

09/08/18: "Small Time"
- Misc
I've updated the Timeline page to be clearer on some things and have also added several of the short stories found in LotT Complete to it!

09/01/18: "Gotta get these"
- Other Albums
This page gots three more albums listed, all those LieN ones I'd been neglecting until recently!

08/25/18: "Still dropping"
- Misc
I went an added a few more things to the Checklist which shoulda been there abit sooner than now! Its all good though!

08/18/18: "Better Together"
- Link
Just did a large update to the Link Play page! There's still more to cover, the info has greatly increased from before!

08/11/18: "Fan Favorites (Pt.4)"
- Misc
The 2010 character popularity poll finally has a page up! The other poll pages have gotten minor updates to some of their notes btw. Anyway this completes the set! Until next poll~

08/04/18: "v1.34"
- Reminisce/Redemption/Reconnection
Made a small change on their main pages to keep them uniform with others (US -> NA)

- Rebirth/Reminisce/Redemption
Chapters: changed the number listing style to match those found in the Books pages ex: 01.) -> 01:

- Reconnection
Trophies: added an extra space under the last trophies name to make the spacing consistant with all the others

- Link
Menu: added a spot for an eventual(?) Titles page

- Versus
Trophies: updated the formatting to match Reconnections trophy page

- Misc
Other Information: added a link to the G.U. Version 4 page
In the West: fixed a broken image on part 1's page

07/28/18: "Fanslatitled"
- Drama
A page covering the drama cd Innocent Call is now up!

07/21/18: "More goodies!"
- Misc
Some more 2018 things for both japan and north america have been added to the Releases page!

07/14/18: "Fragments of the Epitaphs?"
- Reminisce
The Extras Guide now has a part about the Lost Weapons!

- Redemption
This Extras Guide now has info on the reduced Virus Core cost for Lost Weapons in the HD version, and a part covering the VC Exchange shop!

07/07/18: "A large gap to cover"
- Misc
On the subject of updating older things, I wrote up a brand new page for my .hack in the West article!

06/30/18: "A touch up"
- Books
The LotT main page has gotten some additional info added to it!

06/23/18: "Reused Icons"
- Reconnection
A page covering Last Recodes trophies (and I guess Steam achivements to?) has been created!

06/09/18: "Short an sweet"
- Misc
Went ahead and got the Ragtime novel added to the Timeline page!

06/02/18: "Jack in and transmit!! (Pt.2)"
- Rebirth/Reminisce/Redemption
Each Chapters page has been updated to include info on when each episode of Online Jack becomes available. Rebirths page also got a couple new notes included regarding Last Recode title changes!

05/26/18: "Jack in and transmit!! (Pt.1)"
- Video
At long last a page in the OVA sections been made for Online Jack! Episode summaries incoming...?

05/19/18: "Explosive Edits"
- Misc
The second Edits & Errors page has just been updated to include many newly introduced issues brought along with Last Recode!

05/12/18: “v1.33"
- Rebirth
Demo: fixed broken link for image 4

- Misc
Other Info: added link for 2017 populariaty poll
Enemy: corrected the promo card count (18 -> 19)
Releases: updated mutation, outbreak, and quarantines strategy guide (US) dates and the release order of Mutation / SIGN Vol.2
Update Log: fixed a typo in 02/24 notes (timelime -> timeline)
Menus: added Guilty Dragon and New World to each one

05/05/18: “Spoilers Included"
- Reminisce/Redemption/Reconnection
Each of their Items pages now include Symbol Fragment and Judge's Symbol in the key item sections!

- Reconnection
Put up a page listing all of the Skills in the game! The main page also got a few minor changes.

04/28/18: “This time last year..."
- Misc
A whole bunch of originally overlooked stuff (2014/16/17) along with recently released things have been added to the Releases page!

04/21/18: “Tag! You're It!"
- Infection/Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Got some more solid/advanced Goblin tackling tactics added to each Extras Guide page!

04/14/18: “Upcoming and outgoing"
- Other Albums
Slotted the soon to be released Piano Arrange Collection Vol.2 onto the page and menu!

- Misc
Crossed out many more recently non-functioning (deceased?) places on the Official & Fan sites page.

04/07/18: “The World-Spinning Serpents' Dreams"
- Reconnection
Pages for accessories, armor, customization items, items, scrolls, and weapons have been added! Additionally the Monsters page was updated to link to the Accessory, Armor, and Weapon pages!

04/01/18: "Fan Favorites (Pt.3)"
- Misc
Got a page covering the 2008 character popularity poll now! Just one more ta go, though fishing up data on it isn't easy!

03/24/18: "Digging Way Back"
- Guidebooks
A whole new sub-section within Books has been created! And with it, pages made for all five english .hack strategy guides!

03/17/18: "Engine Tweaks eXtend (Pt.4)"
- Misc
A .hack//G.U. Version 4 page has been created which covers engine and other updates Last Recode brought about!

03/10/18: "More Monster Data!"
- Reconnection
A Monster List page has been created for this game!

03/03/18: "Word Search (Pt.4)"
- Rebirth/Reminisce/Redemption
Each Extras: Area Words page has been greatly simplified along with new info and tips! A total re-do!

02/24/18: "Not falling behind!"
- Misc
The Checklist and Timeline got some needed updating done to 'em!

02/17/18: "-Trial Edition-"
- Reconnection
I've gone ahead and posted a page covering the recently released demo! Although its clearly a Vol.1 demo it bills itself as Last Recode so I figure plopping it under the Reconnection page would be most fitting!

02/10/18: "v1.32"
- Rebirth
Extras Guide: corrected the last Piros mail reply, the "Wanna buy an M2D?" and "Moon Tree Contact Only" reply texts
Items: corrected a typo in Kestrel Key's description "enten" -> "enter"

- Redemption
Monster List: corrected a typo in Wisdom Owl's location "Wicker" -> "Whicker"
NPC Script pg.5: corrected grasshoppa's ending lines "Give me your everything." -> "Give me everything." and removed an extra line break before Spiritas's last line

- Reconnection
The side menu was updated from its initial state to remove the Online Jack spot and add a Trophies one.

02/03/18: "All Audio"
- OSTs
Got a page for the Vol.4 soundtrack up!

- Drama
Made a spot for Innocent Call in the menu!

- Other Albums
Made a spot for the first Piano Arrange Collection in the menu and page!

01/27/18: "In Order"
- Misc
Finally gots that # to A to Z list all caught up with that still recent batch of stuff!

01/20/18: "Alil Extra"
- Rebirth/Reminisce/Redemption
A Last Recode-style title screen pic has been added to their main pages! Don't worry the old ones are still there to!

- Rebirth
The Extras Guide now has a small note regarding NG+.

- Reminisce
A section covering the mini-Kazubolo quests been added to the Extras Guide! idk how that went forgotten for so long! This also got a small note about NG+!

- Redemption
The doppelganger section of the Extras Guide has been largely re-written!

01/13/18: "Just Stuffs"
- Reconnection
PS4 version save, system, and patch sizes are now listed on it main page!

- My Collection
A keychain set and yet another variation of the LotT manga have been listed!

01/06/18: "A Fresh Start"
- Link
The Items page has been greatly updated to match names & descriptions as found in the latest patch. Also, a Scrolls page has been created and put up!

12/30/17: "Fan Favorites (Pt.2)"
- Misc
Just in time to close out the year, results for the 2017 popularity poll are in! I've made a page with all the info for it!

12/23/17: "Next is now"
- Reconnection
An NPC Script page has been made and posted!

- Misc
Since I was made aware of it going down, I went and crossed out Coldbird's Frägment fan site link. And in its place a site carrying on in its stead!

12/16/17: "Fall Lineup"
- Misc
The last few months of new .hack stuffs has been listed on the Releases page!

12/09/17: "Digging in"
- Reconnection
Pages listing the games Chapters and an Extras Guide have been created! The main page now has an image of the title screen as well!

12/02/17: "Streamlined Reporting"
- Misc
Localization Woes pg.2 now lists many more whiffs for G.U. Vol.1/2/3, plus one for Online Jack, and a touchup here and there for AI buster, Another Birth, and The End of The World. Oh and a ton of redundant & unneeded text has been cleared up which should make things much easier to read!

11/25/17: "Not the first!"
- Drama
The First Login page has been rewritten an expanded upon to the best of my abilities!

11/18/17: "v1.31"
- Games
Infection through Redemption: the side-menu's now list and link to Reconnection instead of Recode

- Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Grunty Guide: improved (imo!) page formatting

- Outbreak
Extras Guide: fixed all broken rare item links

- Quarantine
Epilogue: fixed a huge error in the preparations section which said your infection level should be fully in the green. its supposed to be blue! blue!!

- Rebirth/Reminisce/Redemption
Customization Items: changed Bear Paws customized name to Ill as it should be, added Stingray Stingers other customized names

- Rebirth
Extras Guide: corrected a typo "arean" -> "arena"

- Video
All: video pages now have their appropriate side-menu (this went unnoticed for far to long!)

- Other Albums
Main Page: added link to PXZ (US)

- Misc
Localization Woes Page 2: replaced a misplaced , with a : after the AB Vol.3 pg.70 info.
Sitewide: to accomodate for Reconnection getting its own side-menu, all Link, Versus, Video, Books, Audio, and Misc menus got bumped up a number, meaning each of the pages within these categories were editted to reflect the new numbering

11/11/17: "Premium Package"
- My Collection
Last Recode local and import versions added to the collection!

11/04/17: "Word Search (Pt.3)"
- Redemption
And now its Redemptions turn to get a new Extras page which cover places to find unlockable Area Words!

10/28/17: "The Undelayed"
- Novel
With the IMOQ Kite novel finished its page has recieved its more or less final update!

10/21/17: "Word Search (Pt.2)"
- Reminisce
Following up on the one added for Rebirth, a new Extras page covering places to find unlockable Area Words is now available for the second G.U. game!

10/14/17: "Engine Tweaks eXtend (Pt.3)"
- Misc
Several new things have been added to the .hack//G.U. Version 2 page!

10/07/17: "Word Search (Pt.1)"
- Rebirth
A new Extras page covering places to find unlockable Area Words has been created!

09/30/17: "Ride on!"
- Infection/Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Each of the Grunty Guides have received layout changes to make them shorter, the default Flag Racing times to beat, and updated tips to win at them!

09/23/17: "More Mistakes!"
- Misc
Localization Woes pg.2 gets a big update with fresh "oopsies!" found in Mutation, Another Birth, Legend of the Twilight, The End of The World, Cell, and Redemption!

09/17/17: "Year 6"
- Reconnection
The Recode page has been renamed to Reconnection and has been given some updated info and its own side-menu to be populated with the kinds of pages you'd expect for a mainline game!

09/09/17: "First Solo"
- Other Albums
Each edition of Fiction now have a page!

09/02/17: "v1.30"
- Mutation
Extras Guide: removed # preceeding Piros' "Question 2", changed final Gardenia reply from "What was it?" to the more accurate "What is it about?"
Rare Armor/Weapons: changed "Goblin Gloves A" to "Goblingloves A"

- Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Grunty Guide: changed "Yellow Ribbon" to "Yellow Candy"
Monsters: corrected "King Worm" and "Angolmore" server locations (said Lambda but is really Theta)

- Quarantine
Grunty Guide: fixed typo "godger" -> "codger"

- Redemption
Skills: fixed in-page link to Justice's Lv.3 Arts costs

08/26/17: "Staying Current"
- Misc
The Releases page is up to date once more. Can't wait to start digging into the latest Link patch!

08/19/17: "Fast Output"
- Novel
The new .hack// novel page is up to date on chapter count and stuff now!

08/13/17: "Truly Rare"
- Misc
I've updated the Enemy page to include some small info on promo cards!

08/05/17: "Vol.4"
- Games
A small main page for Last Recode has been made and put up!

07/29/17: "Fan Favorites (Pt.1)"
- Misc
A new page covering 2012's character popularity poll has been added to the Other Info section!

07/22/17: "Pack-ins"
- Other Albums
6 more albums are now listed here!

07/15/17: "Text Dump"
- Misc
The Releases page is now updated with the past months worth of novel dates!

07/10/17: "Another Birth?"
- Books
A page and listing for the new .hack web novels been made and posted!

07/02/17: "Whats old is still not new"
- Misc
Official site links for G.U. Recode and the new web novel have been added. Gamefaqs links for Recode got shoved in there to!

06/24/17: "v1.29"
- Infection
Extras Guide: had the chest location for Rusty Nails and Soul Blade reversed cause I don't know east from west, but I do now!

- Redemption
NPC Script: pg.5 had missing () added around "town shutdown"

- Video
G.U. Trilogy: fixed broken link on part 2's page

G.U. Trilogy: typo corrected (abnormal situation not situations)

- Misc
Other: linked to PXZ2 on the main other info page

06/17/17: "Until Next Time"
- Redemption
NPC Script pg.5 has had an added line I'd missed for Spiritas. ... ... Ah! An at long last NPC Script pg.6 has arrived! This long drawn out task has reached its end! For now...

06/10/17: "Double Dipped"
- My Collection
.hack//SIGN Complete Series has been bought, delivered, and added to my collection!

06/03/17: "One Off"
- Misc
I've finally tracked down a release date for the Distortion expansion of the Enemy TCG, so its now properly placed in the Releases list!

05/25/17: "LL's"
- Singles
A pair of Liminality singles are now listed. More stuff long since overlooked by me!

05/13/17: "Site Shuffling"
- Misc
A new official New World site has been added, meanwhile Quantum, Guilty Dragon, and another New World site get struck out as they seem to be straight up gone!

05/07/17: "How'd I miss that?"
- Infection/Mutation/Outbreak
Gott Statue treasures have been added to the Items pages!

04/28/17: "Overlooked"
- Misc
Seems I missed all of Japan's 2003 CD Releases, so they've now been added to that page!

04/21/17: "Uniform"
- Audio
Games, Videos, and Books have release dates listed on their individual pages and now the same can be said for the OSTs!

04/04/17: "Trading Union"
- Infection/Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Since it seemed like something that may be useful, I added the items and number of them needed to the Trading Lists for each of the traders that require specific items!

03/28/17: "Reused Titles"
- Misc
Came across another word to add to the Recurring Words list!

03/20/17: "Easy Access"
- Other Albums
A page for the localized Project X Zone album has been made and posted!

03/13/17: "v1.28"
- Books
Bullet: fixed two typos (surpirse -> surprise, and 02/10 for the last chapters release date)

- Misc
Checklist: the total count was off by 1 and has been corrected
Official & Fansites: add .hack// in front of both Guilty Dragon and New World entries, changed "iphone" to "ios" as per gamefaqs listings

03/03/17: "Sub-50"
- Misc.
I updated the Checklist with some more text clarifying that its only covering the big stuff, not the loads of knick-knacks which also weren't brought overseas!

02/25/17: "Licensed Out"
- Audio
Created the Other Albums page in order to hopefully eventually cover cds which had some .hack music in them but weren't the focus!

02/17/17: "Recent Releases"
- Misc.
The Releases page now has even more end of 2016 stuff added as well as 2017 stuff, up to just the other day!

02/10/17: "An Era's End?"
- Books
Bullet Ch.40, 41, and 42 have all been released so that page gets one of its last updates? What a long ride it was to get the whole story out there~

02/03/17: "Snaps"
- Mutation/Outbreak
I went and added some pictures for each demo page, not that there's much to show!

01/26/17: "Better Late Than?"
- Misc.
The Official & Fansites page now has listings for New World at gamefaqs for whatever thats still worth!

01/16/17: "Final Four"
- Books
It's time for another Bullet page update since Ch.39 is out!

01/09/17: "New Old Stuff"
- My Collection
A .hack//Enemy Epidemic starter pack is now in the collection!

12/29/16: "For the Road"
- Books
Ch.38 of Bullet came out yesterday so its now been listed here!

12/20/16: "Services End"
- Misc
Since its about the end of the year I filled in more 2016 stuff on the Releases page! r.i.p. New World btw.

12/09/16: "Rats?!"
- Books
Looks like Ch. 37 of Bullet is here which means another page update for it!

12/03/16: "v1.27"
- Reminisce
Menu: changed the Bikman page setting so it links to Vol.2 pages since they were directing to Vol.1's stuff
Extras Guide: fixed a typo (guids -> guilds)
Extras: Bikman: updated the Key to incluce Dol Dona in the All part

- Misc
# to A to Z: removed the (beta) part from New World, listing the Roots Sound Forms seperately now
Checklist & Timeline: removed the "Vol.1" from the New World entry
PXZ & PXZ2: the third page for both of these games now have better spacing and are categorized between character/monster/term now

11/24/16: "Still Alive"
- Misc
I went an finally updated the text for dothackers on the Official & Fansites page. It sorta lives on!

11/11/16: "Keep 'em coming"
- Books
Ch.36 of Bullet is out so its little bit of infos been added to the page!

11/08/16: "01/02/03"
- Misc
The Releases page now covers the earliest years of .hack! Wha? It's been 15 years already?

10/31/16: "End in sight"
- Books
Now that they've been released, Bullets page now covers Ch.33-35. It also includes the final 7 chapter titles... barring even more unforeseen changes!

09/25/16: "Before I forget"
- Misc
Went ahead and added archives_03 to the # to A to Z page. Figure it belongs since that's where Legacy is found!

09/17/16: "Year 5 + Long time comin' (Pt.3)"
- Redemption
Finally, pages covering the loads of optional extra stuff in this game are complete!

I've been doing these archives for 5 years now huh? What a ride! Even though it's sometimes hard for me to think of what I could update, I know there's still a whole lot of things left for me to cover! So I've got to keep at it!

09/09/16: "Marching On"
- Misc
Went ahead and added Guilty Dragon and New World to the Timeline page to be on the safe side!

09/02/16: "Mishmashed Terminology"
- Misc
A couple more discovered changes have been listed on the .hack//G.U. Version 3 page!

08/25/16: "General PCs"
- Redemption
NPC Script pg.5 has been made and put up! Alls left now is the post-game dialogue!

08/18/16: "v1.26"
- Rebirth/Reminisce/Redemption
Online Jack: adjusted the text spacing & alignments

- Rebirth
Extras: rewrote parts of the Books of 1000 section, changed the last line of the Doppelganger section from "some pretty overpowered weapons!" to "a pretty overpowered weapon!", fixed a spacing issue under the Top Ranker? section

- Reminisce
Weapon: corrected the three Heine's weapons found data since it turns out the Own King item isn't needed to get them

- Misc
PXZ2: added missing notes to the Monsters page and also fixed a little spacing error at the bottom of it

08/07/16: "Cross-mania (Pt.3)"
- Misc
Finally got the page covering .hack monsters in Project X Zone 2 finished and put up!

07/26/16: "04/05"
- Misc
Now the years 2004 & 2005 got coverage on the Releases page!

07/16/16: "The Shortest Story"
- Novel
Went an created a page for .hack//Legacy!

07/09/16: "Storage Woes"
- Misc
Localization Woes pg.2 has a new error listed under each of the G.U. games!

06/30/16: "Grind Together"
- Link
The Link Play page has been updated abit here and there!

06/17/16: "Discoveries"
- Misc
.hack//Legacy's been added to the Timeline page, and since I rediscovered the dothackers forums new address its been updated in the Official & Fansites page!

06/11/16: "Long time comin' (Pt.2)"
- Reminisce
It's this games turn to finally gain an Extras Guide! Times three just like before so as to cut down on scrolling and to go more in-depth as needed!

06/02/16: "Surprise!"
- Misc
Updated the .hack//G.U. Version 3 to include a new change I'd found recently regarding shelled baddies!

05/26/16: "v1.25"
- Infection/Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Armor/Rare/Weapons: made some formatting changes all around, updated the "keys" and unified the way in which the way the area/dungeon found text is written, linked stuff gained from Tag/Zeit to the various Extras Guides
Extras Guide: renamed the sections"Goblins" to "Goblin Tag" and "Other" to "Hero of Zeit"

- Quarantine
Weapons: fixed a typo (genorous -> generous)

- Rebirth
NPC Script: fixed a typo under Ookami Itto's text "and" to "an", Nagi "!?" to "?!", Tanu "cone" to "come"

- Reminisce
Armor: added Horned Archelon to Rough Alloy's "Found" part
NPC Script: fixed a typo under Schrodinger's text "kow" to "know", Nogmung "the" to "that"

- Redemption
NPC Script: fixed a typo under ohmRice's text "year" to "yeah", fixed links to other npc script pages

- Books
Manga: adjusted some text alignment on the main page
Novel: the main page got a makeover, I also reorganized the order these are listed in and made the ai busters seperate entries

05/21/16: "Location 'dex (Pt.8)"
- Quarantine
Narukikyou & Crystal Rod now have a place they can be found listed on the Weapon page!

- Rebirth, Reminisce, Redemption
A location where Sub Garment, Loose Sheath, and Rough Alloy can be obtained has been added to the Armor page!

- Rebirth
A really-really optional task regarding the arena's been added to the main Extras page!

05/13/16: "Cross-mania (Pt.2)"
- Misc
A fourth page for Project X Zone 2 info is up now!

05/06/16: "Stand-ins"
- Redemption
NPC Script pg.4 has already been created & added... and now expanded to include dialogue from the 30 one-off NPCs you encounter late in the game!

04/22/16: "06/07"
- Misc
2006 & 2007 are now covered on the Releases page! Some additional things have been added for 2009, 2014, and 2016 as well!

04/14/16: "Old Notes"
- Infection/Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Each of the original games Monsters pages now include some extra info on Data Draining and the # of Virus Cores you'll need for each game!

04/06/16: "Cross-mania (Pt.1)"
- Misc
Three pages covering Project X Zone 2 info have been created & posted! More to come!

03/24/16: "6+ Hours"
- Redemption
NPC Script pg.4 has been created & added! All that time for new dialogue for a single NPC!

03/18/16: "Cross Network Play"
- Misc
The Crossovers page has been updated to cover the New World Vol.1 & SAO: CR event, and a new fansites been listed on the Official & Fansites page!

03/10/16: "Lounge Sounded Better"
- Link
I updated the room names in the fskits page to match those used in the current fanslation patch!

03/03/16: "Just alil late"
- Books
With a new Bullet chapter out I went and added it to the page!

02/26/16: "v1.24"
- Infection
Demo: changed title from simply "demo" to "demo disc" changed rating from "Rating Pending - Teen" to just "Teen"

- Quarantine
placed Demo Disc in the menu just in case I ever get my hands on it

- Link
Dress Up (all): center aligned the items since it looks nicer that way

- Books
Manga: the main page has gotten a makeover and a new Rena Special image
Novel: added Legacy to the menu and made a spot for it on the main page

- Misc
Official & Fan Sites: slightly tweaked the design to use less space

02/18/16: "Brave New World"
- Misc
Project X Zone 2 is out worldwide now so it's been added to the Releases page along with .hack//Legacy dates. The Crossovers page also got updated to reflect the appropriate EU release date of PXZ2!

02/11/16: "08/09"
- Misc
2008 & 2009 are now filled in on the Releases page! One other thing for last year, and the start of things for this year are also added to it!

02/02/16: "It Continues..."
- Books
Two more chapters of Bullet are out so those titles have been added to its page along with updated notes!

01/23/16: "Mobile 3"
- Misc
Since New World Vol.1 is out over in japan I went an added it to the Checklist!

01/15/16: "Bulletin"
- Books
Upcoming chapter titles and other info have been added to Bullets page to match up with CC2s annoucement of the series resuming today!

01/08/16: "Letdown"
- Mutation/Outbreak
Pages for each games Demo Disc have been created & posted!

01/02/16: "For Starters"
- Misc
Went ahead and plopped the GD 4Koma and the New World beta onto the # to A to Z page!

12/26/15: "Christmas Presents!"
- My Collection
The Mutation & Outbreak demos are now listed in the collection!

12/16/15: "10/11"
- Misc
2010 & 2011 are now covered in the Releases page!

12/10/15: "Stage Show"
- Drama
A page for .hack//Live has been created!

12/04/15: "Exception"
- Manga
Pages for Legend of the Twilight: Complete Edition have been created!

11/26/15: "v1.23"
- Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Items: corrected Healing Potions name (had it as health potion for some reason)

- Rebirth
Accessories: fixed a small text highlight issue under Simple Wind Bell

- Rebirth/Reminisce/Redemption
Accessories: added the # of times you need to save Mecha Grunty to get the Simple Steam Ring
Armor: corrected the "found" data for the Steam Plate

- Redemption
NPC Script pg.1: fixed a typon in one of Momoka's line "thos" to "those"
NPC Script pg.2: added a missing line break before the human female section of breg epona, added a missing line break between Governor Tadashi's greeting and first line

- Misc
Enemy: add "which" to the last line at the top to make it sound right "which is what"

11/20/15: "Fillering Up the List"
- Misc
The Releases page now has a couple more things from Japan in 2015, another in NA for 2015, and two more for Japan in 2012, and also a short list of the sources I've been using to determine dates!

11/11/15: "Long time comin' (Pt.1)"
- Rebirth
At long last I've made an Extras Guide page for this! And because it's long, with a LOT of scrolling I made two other seperate pages for a couple of the longer, more in-depth extras!

11/06/15: "A Little Flair"
- Misc
Added some pictures to the Enemy page in order to spiff it up a little!

10/30/15: "Gu Nyuu"
- Manga
With the fan translation completed I've whipped up a page for the .hack//GnU manga!

10/22/15: "12/13"
- Misc
The releases page now covers 2012 & 2013, along with a couple of added things to 2015's north american part!

10/15/15: "N.U."
- Misc
Bamco & CC2 New World links are now listed on the Official & Fansites page!

10/11/15: "7+ Hours"
- Redemption
NPC Script pg.3 has been created & added!

10/02/15: "More of That"
- Misc
G.U. Vol.2 & Vol.3 get some more notes on the second Localization Woes page!

09/24/15: "Coming Soon"
- Misc
Boxart and release dates for PXZ2 have been added to the Crossovers page!

09/17/15: "Year 4"
- Rebirth, Reminisce, Redemption
Each of the Accessories, Armor, and Weapon pages now have hover text detailing what each Added Effect does!

09/09/15: "Lost 'n Found"
- Rebirth
Items: add "Healing Portion" and "Fairy Drop" to the list since they can indeed be gotten in the game!

- Misc
Recurring Words: added "Lost" to this page!

09/02/15: "Location 'dex (Pt.7)"
- Redemption
The Accessory page now has locations in which [Simple Fire Pill, Simple Water Pill, Simple Earth Pill, Simple Wind Pill, Simple Light Pill, Simple Dark Pill, Simple Super Hood, Simple Auto Clock, Simple Star Play, Simple Earth Ball, Simple Light Ball, Simple Slant Hood] can be found!
The Armor page now has a location in which [Sub Dress, Loose Regalia, Rough Puma] can be found!
The Weapon page now has an area location for [Spin Mujin, Spin Nezumi, Broad Dowan, Scythe Toge, Gun Petal, Blade Frost, Blade Seki, Fist Claw, Magic Ji Fu]!

08/31/15: "v1.22"
- Rebirth
Armor: fixed the m-atk & m-def spacing for the Steam Armor
Weapon: fixed the p-atk & p-def spacing for many weapons

- Reminisce
Accessories: fixed the wind & earth spacing for Simple Earth Balm
Armor: fixed the m-atk & m-def spacing for the Steam Armor
Weapon: fixed the p-atk & p-def spacing for many weapons

- Redemption
Accessories: fixed the wind & earth spacing for Simple Earth Balm and Simple Earth Pill
Armor: fixed the m-atk & m-def spacing for the Steam Armor
Weapon: fixed the p-atk & p-def spacing for many weapons

- Link
Chapters: made a small correction in that you don't need the 2024 stuff to unlock Integration

- Audio
the main OSTs page has gotten a redesign, no more scrolling needed!

- Misc
fixed a broken image link on the main page
Other Information: this page has been mostly alphabetized (which also goes for its part of the misc menu to), added a link to the Releases page, and made a spot for PXZ2

08/22/15: "Location 'dex (Pt.6)"
- Reminisce, Redemption
The Accessory page now has locations in which [Simple Coat Rope, Simple Goggles, Simple Brazier, Simple Hood, Simple Fire Comb, Simple Water Comb, Simple Earth Comb, Simple Dark Comb, Simple Mittens, Simple Gaiters, Simple Handbag, Simple Fortunes] can be found! It also has an area location for [Simple Wing Cap, Simple Shoulders, Simple Clogs, Simple Fire Balm, Simple Wind Balm, Simple Light Balm, Simple Dark Balm]!
The Armor page now has a location in which [Loose Case] can be found! It also has an area location for [Sub Frock, Sub Suit, Loose Fur, Loose Guardian, Rough Steel, Rough Buddha]!
The Weapon page now has an area location for [Divine Ribs, Scythe Bite, Gun Lion, Gun Fisher, Blade Luer, Lance Tulong, Spell Ji Yi Magic Huawen]!

08/13/15: "Towards the Future"
- Link
Spaces for pages covering Abilities and Skills have been added to the menu!

- Video
The north american re-release date for G.U. Trilogy is now displayed on its page!

- Misc
Space for a page covering PXZ2 has been added to the menu!

08/06/15: "Unlock Conditions"
- Link
The post-game sub-scenario section of the Chapters page now has info on how they're opened up!

07/31/15: "4 Laughs"
- Manga
A page for the Guilty Dragon 4koma has been made an posted!

07/24/15: "Monster Data"
- Link
The Monsters page has been completely restructured, reordered, and now contains a bunch more info!

07/14/15: "45%"
- Misc
Checklists been updated to include the Guilty Dragon 4Koma which was recently released in book form!

07/08/15: "14/15"
- Misc
Back when this was its own full site I used ta have a recent/upcoming releases list on the front page. Well now that's semi-brought back as its own full page covering .hack releases from the current day back to 2002... eventually. Right now, just this an last year!

06/22/15: "Reissued"
- TV
A new notes been added to each series page the Funimation re-releases!

06/09/15: "Location 'dex (Pt.5)"
- Rebirth, Reminisce, Redemption
The Accessory page now has locations in which [Simple Pouch, Simple Head Band, and Simple Watch] can be found!
The Armor page now has an area location for [Sub Gear, Loose Sash, and Rough Armor]!
The Weapon page now has an area location for [Broad Wings, Blade Sun, and Fist Altair]!

06/04/15: "His Name Is..."
- Misc
Some G.U. Novel errors have now been added to the second Localization Woes page!

05/26/15: "Grunty Chow"
- Link
Purple Cherry has been added to the Items page! Dunno how I kept missing it previously!

05/11/15: "v1.21"
- Rebirth
NPC Script: fixed the typo ("hee" -> "here") under one of Rider Chyob's lines

- Redemption
NPC Script: changed pc names from underlined to bolded to match the other script pages

- Link
Chapters: fixed a typo (avaialable -> available)
Items: changed hp to sp after emperor's soul, removed pointless ) after harakiri sword, fixed error under emperor's soul incense (100 -> 1000)

- Novel
added link to gu page

- Cell
Vol.1: fixed the typo ("afterworld" -> "afterword")

- Misc
G.U. Ver.3: changed "they'll all be shown at together" to "they'll all be shown together"

05/04/15: "Classic 'caps (Pt.5)"
- Redemption
Finally a screenshots page for Redemption has been put up!

04/13/15: "Brave New World"
- Misc
The Crossovers page has been updated to include the recently announced Project X Zone 2!

03/13/15: "English?"
- Misc
Since the remaining US .hack sites are dead they've been crossed off the Official & Fan Sites page but added to it is a link to Funimations site since they distribute the .hack anime here now, and since Namco Bandai is now Bandai Namco their url had to be updated to!

01/18/15: "Clear Game x1"
- Misc
A sixth Project X Zone page has been added which covers monster stats from new game plus!

01/09/15: "Back in the Zone"
- Misc
The Other Info part of Project X Zones second page has been updated!

12/29/14: "Classic 'caps (Pt.4)"
- Reminisce
And now a screenshots page for Reminisce is up!

12/19/14: "Notifications"
- Link
Some more maybe helpful notes and slight reorganization has been done to the Items page!

11/30/14: "Overdue"
- Misc
Created an posted a timeline page which tries to sort when each part of the series takes place!

11/15/14: "Classic 'caps (Pt.3)"
- Rebirth
I finally made a page for screenshots!

11/07/14: "dotbackers"
- Misc
The dothackers site kinda returns so its new link an stuffs back added to the Official & Fansites page!

10/31/14: "Nearly Forgot"
- Misc
.hack//LiVE's been put on the Checklist!

10/24/14: "Item Hunting"
- Infection
Added Summon Fire to the Scrolls page since I happened to come across one in it!

- Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, Quarantine
A location for the Bloody Axe has been listed in the Weapons pages!

- Mutation, Outbreak, Quarantine
And a location for the Dark Green Rod has been listed in these Weapons pages!

10/15/14: "v1.20"
- Link
Episodes: now renamed to chapters, side stories now sub-scenarios, rewrote and reorganized various things

- Versus
Support Items: fixed a typo (make -> makes), changed regen to regeneration, changed recover health to health regeneration, fixed a typo on item 33 (1 -> 3)

- Video
OVA: lined each of the quantum ep title card images up next to one another
Movie: added btw subtitle for the second movie

- Misc
Project X Zone: each page has its own individual title now

10/07/14: "C/P Failure"
- Misc
A new error's been added to G.U. Vol.3's part of Localization Woes second page!

09/17/14: "Year 3"
- Redemption
A second NPC Script page has been created & linked near the top of the the first one! Took me long enough huh? An there's still 3~4 yet to be made!

09/10/14: "Villianess?"
- Novel
A new bullet chapter is up, so that new infos been added to its page here!

09/04/14: "Fan Friendly!"
- Misc
Kazetrigger and Coldbirds fanslation sites have been added to the Official & Fansites page! Each should've been added awhile ago but I'm forgetful!

08/22/14: "Still At It"
- Novel
Three months later and a new bullet chapter has shown up! So its been added to that novels page along with updated notes and such!

08/21/14: "Dressing Room (Pt.3)"
- Link
Finally a page which covers this games back accessories has gotten made and uploaded!

08/13/14: "NG+"
- Versus
The Extras page has been updated to include some new info such as New Game+!

08/05/14: "Beasties!"
- Link
The Monster page has been brought up to date regarding monster names going by the v0.2 fanslation patch!

- Misc
An update to the Little Tail Story on the Crossovers page since G.U. stuff is coming for it!

07/29/14: ".hack//Bronx"
- Misc
The Crossovers article has been updated to include Little Tail Story!

07/22/14: "Location 'dex (Pt.4)"
- Quarantine
The Armor page has been updated to include treasure box locations for [Aqua Hands, Charred Guard, and Fire Lion Hood]!
The Weapon page has been updated to include a treasure box locations for [Nataku, Kikoku, Insane Spear, Rising Sun, Oberon, Jindachi, Moonstruck, and Professional]!

07/14/14: "Dressing Room (Pt.2)"
- Link
Now a page covering the games head accessories has been created & put up!
The Items page now lists the key items Aromatic Grass and Harakiri Sword!

07/06/14: "v1.19"
- Infection
Weapon: added no damage hover text info to berserk spear

Weapon: removed > after bloody lance's skill name

- Infection/Mutation
Armor: added "mimic" link text to Hands of Earth

- Infection/Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Armor: added missing (DD) behind the enemy names listed for Fire Dance Hat, Peasant's Cap, Leather Armor, Miner's Gloves

- Infection/Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine
Weapon: added missing (DD) behind the enemy names listed for Lath Blades, Unicorn Blade, Fugaku, Fairy Spear

- Manga
Link: Twilight Knights: changed the typo'd second access 12 to access 13 for volume 2

- Misc
Recurring Words: relisted everything in alphabetical order and fixed a typo (noticiable -> noticeable)

06/28/14: "Slotted In"
- Manga
Just a small update to the manga page to include spots for eventual LotT CE and Misc. manga stuff.

06/20/14: "Recycling"
- Misc
More updates and cleaning up has been done to the Recurring Words list!

06/12/14: "Dressing Room (Pt.1.1)"
- Link
The weapons dress up page has been updated to include english names from the latest translation patch and several informative notes!

06/08/14: "Location 'dex (Pt.3)"
- Outbreak, Quarantine
The Armor pages have been updated to include treasure box locations for [Ice Dragon, Blazing Robes, and Frost Solleret]!
The Weapon pages have been updated to include a treasure box locations for [Raikoumaru and Corona Blade]!

05/30/14: "Dressing Room (Pt.1)"
- Link
A page covering the games weapons has been created & put up!

05/22/14: "one up, one down"
- Novel
bullet Chapter 27 has come out so it's been added to the bullet page!

- Misc
Now dothackers is dead but its forums live on so a small adjustments been added to the Official & Fansites page.

05/14/14: "LotTB"
- TV
A new note has been added to this series page! How'd I miss this one for so long?

05/07/14: "Again?"
- Novel
Chapter 26 of bullet is out which means more updated notes and chapter list adjustments!

04/30/14: "Location 'dex (Pt.2)"
- Mutation, Outbreak, Quarantine
The Armor pages have been updated to include treasure box locations for [Lightning Cap, Quakebeast Fur, Hands of Ebony, Thunder Boots, and Green Guard]!
The Weapon pages have been updated to include a treasure box location for [Earthian Sword]!

04/22/14: "Lopsided List"
- Misc
Put the GD ost on the Checklist and numbers for each category of it saying how much is out and how much we've got!

04/15/14: "Recycled"
- Misc
Some more things have been added to the Recurring Words list!

04/06/14: "v1.18"
- Link
Items: fixed typo under Bronze Grunty Statue (aises -> raises)

- TV
LotT: corrected header text info

- Manga
fixed an accidental quantum+ text link on the main manga page

- Music
all: fixed sidebar link to versus ost

- Misc
My Collection: moved the roots soundform stuff to the misc. section

03/25/14: "Location 'dex (Pt.1)"
- Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, Quarantine
The Armor pages have been updated to include treasure box locations for [Noble Cloak, Ring Mail, Brigandine, and Leg Mail]!
The Weapon pages have been updated to include a treasure box location for [Cats Blades]!

03/16/14: "Digital Sea"
- Misc
The non-CC2 Guilty Dragon sites been found and added to the Official & Fan Sites page while the apparently now dead G.U. Forums an Porolin fansite have been struck off of it.

03/07/14: "Sweet 16"
- OSTs
A page covering the Guilty Dragon OST is up!

- Novel
bullet chapter 25 came out today so its page has been updated!

03/06/14: "More Music!"
- My Collection
The Guilty Dragon OST's been added!

03/02/14: "Sakuya's Guild"
- Manga
Pages for .hack//Quantum+ are up!

02/22/14: "Short Stuff"
- Manga
The Legend of the Twilight main page now mentions how there are other short stories in the Complete Editions!

- OSTs
A cover art image and spot has been placed for the Guilty Dragon soundtrack!

02/16/14: "Temporary"
- Link
Status enhancing items have been added to the Items page! Don't ask how I missed these not once but twice!

02/07/14: "headache"
- Novel
Chapter 24 of bullet is out, and several new chapter titles have been included, while even more have been delisted, so lots more notes have been put up/changed on its page.

01/30/14: "As in, Real Life"
- Drama
Added .hack//Live to the dramas page and all audio sections link lists. Now I just gotta make a page about it!

01/23/14: "Tri-Strike"
- Link
A page covering the multi-player mode Link Play has been created!

01/17/14: "v1.17"
- Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, Quarantine
Rare Armor/Weapons: armor is now listed before weapons to match the pages name

- Manga
SORA: Beyond the World: corrected a typo (epilouge -> epilogue)

- Misc
Checklist: properly titled quantum introduction
# to A to Z: properly titled quantum introduction

01/08/14: "Companion Apps"
- Misc
I added Chat & MOBILE to the # to A to Z page since I felt they should be there!

12/26/13: "6/12"
- Novel
Chapter 23 of bullet is out so its page is updated to include it!

12/18/13: "Like a bullet"
- Misc
A new third Project X Zone page has been added which covers the in-game bios!

12/09/13: "Best of"
- OSTs
Made a page for the US release of the .hack//IMOQ soundtrack!

12/02/13: "Two Together"
- Outbreak
The Phantom of Nine page is updated to include more info, links to the rare armor/weapons page for the ones you can receive in this quest, and pictures of each version of the wallpaper you unlock from this quest!
The Rare Armor/Weapons page now includes links to the phantom of nine page for the three rare weapons you can acquire through that quest!

11/28/13: "26 mb"
- Versus
The Extras page has been updated to include info on battle replays!

11/20/13: "Difficult Text"
- Manga
SORA: Beyond the World now has a page!

11/13/13: "Awkward Timing"
- Misc
Ridge Racer 7 has been added to the Crossovers article!

11/04/13: "Classic 'caps (Pt.2)"
- Outbreak
A screenshots page has been made & added!

- Quarantine
A screenshots page has been made & added!

10/31/13: "A Trial Revisited"
- Link
The Demo page has seen some updates to clarify the status of its availability, Lucky Animal name, and a pretty obvious last factoid.

10/24/13: "Preview"
- Drama
A page for First Login has been created!

- Misc
Quantum: Twin Hearts has been put on the Checklist, and I'm not sure how it wasn't there for so long!

10/15/13: "Classic 'caps (Pt.1)"
- Infection
A screenshots page has been made & added!

- Mutation
A screenshots page has been made & added!

- Novel
bullet chapter 22 is now listed and some notes have been updated.

10/06/13: "v1.16"
- Rebirth
NPC Script: fixed a typo in Encephalons dialogue from "ture" to "true"

- Redemption
NPC Script: put the correct full line of dialogue in for Wang Lin

- Link
fskits: fixed a single mispelling of Sanjuro's name (was Sanjura lol), changed Clarinette to Klarinette

- OSTs
Link: fixed the broken boxart image url

- Misc
Checklist: moves sora: btw to the bottom of the books list
Crossovers: added the Solatorobo teaser image I had linked to but apparently forgot to upload
PXZ: corrected the atk for chapter 41 skeith

09/29/13: "Comedy Relief"
- Link
It took me long enough but the fskits page is now complete!

- Misc
The Official & Fan Sites page has been updated with links to the bullet site, Guilty Dragon site & gamefaqs pages.

09/17/13: "Year 2"
- Misc
The first Project X Zone page has been split into two! The blanks have all been filled in for levels needed to learn each attack/skill and an ordered list of when they're learned has been added. On the new second page, all the equipment location blanks have been filled in and one more bit of info has been added!

09/13/13: "Abstract Icons"
- Versus
Pics of each trophy have been added to the trophies page!

- Novel
The latest chapter of bullet is now listed on the page along with yet another note!

09/06/13: "Uncensored"
- Misc
Localization Woes pg.2 now has a couple more entries in the PXZ mistake department.

08/28/13: "Lost Episodes"
- Drama
Pages for Roots Sound Form 1 & 2 are up!

08/19/13: "Something Old, Something Newish"
- My Collection
Roots Sound Form 1 & 2 and SORA: Beyond the World are added to the collection!

- Novel
A new chapter of bullet finally came out recently so its been listed on the page along with another note.

08/09/13: "Goblins & More!"
- Misc
A third page covering .hack related stuff in Project X Zone has been added!

08/02/13: "v1.15"
- Infection
Items: removed the colons tacked on after each item categories name, replaced the hyphens between item name & descriptions with colons

- Mutation
Items: removed the colons tacked on after each item categories name, replaced the hyphens between item name & descriptions with colons

- Outbreak
Items: removed the colons tacked on after each item categories name, replaced the hyphens between item name & descriptions with colons

- Quarantine
Items: removed the colons tacked on after each item categories name, replaced the hyphens between item name & descriptions with colons

- Books
nudged SORA: Beyond the World's listing from its middle spot to the end of the list
changed Quantum (I)ntroduction to its proper title Quantum I (introduction) in relevant pages & menus

- Misc
PXZ pg.2: corrected the second victory condition for chapter 8, the location reference for chapter 16, the location reference and third defeat condition for chapter 21, and replace (star symbol) with an actual star in the second defeat condition for chapter 23
added a sub menu containing all the assorted other info pages

07/24/13: "Delta Entwined Unending Crossroad"
- Misc
A pair of pages covering .hack related stuff in Project X Zone have been added to the Other Information part!

07/20/13: "Localization's a mystery to Neneko"
- Misc
Localization Woes pg.2 now includes a trio of .hack related mistakes found in Project X Zone.

07/10/13: "This Goes Here, No There"
- Manga
Got a page up for Quantum I (introduction)!

- Novel
bullets page has been greatly updated. It now includes the dates each chapter was released, the latest current one, and some notes detailing how shaken up thing have gotten with this novel.

07/06/13: "Two-Thousand"
- My Collection
Both Legend of the Twilight Complete Editions, Quantum I(ntroduction), and both Quantum+'s has been added to the collection! Now over $2000 spent on .hack~

06/28/13: "Anniversusry"
- Versus
Added a page covering the trophies ya can get from the game! Been a year since Versus came out, did you get 'em all yet? I did somehow!

- Misc
The crossovers article now has western release dates for Solatorobo and Project X Zone!

06/17/13: "English, End"
- Novel
The G.U. series is now covered! That's a wrap for all the manga/novels released in english...

06/04/13: "Item Master"
- Link
The Items page has more than doubled in size because all items are now listed!

05/25/13: "Updating the Updates"
- Misc
This page has been spiffed up abit with some lines & other small tweaks!

05/16/13: "Wandering URLs"
- Misc
The Official & Fan Sites page has been updated with Quantum, Movie, and Versus pages. I also updated a number of urls and crossed out some dead sites.

05/09/13: "Extra, Extra"
- Link
Added one last regular type of monster to the list!

- Versus
A page covering unlockable Extras has been created & added!

05/03/13: "v1.14"
- Infection
Extras Guide: fixed the spelling of voluptuous (was "voluptious")

- Mutation
Extras Guide: fixed the spelling of kaleidoscope (was "kaleidosope")

- Quarantine
Monster: added name= to Dawn Wanderer & Temptress Lover
Rare: added name= to Sora's Blades

- Redemption
Epilogue: fixed the typo "you're completed all episodes in" to "you've completed all episodes of"

- Link
Episodes: corrected the placement of G.U.+
Items: fixed the description of Universal Soda
Monster: put up a better image for the tast non-boss monster, removed gomora which I mistakenly thought should be there but does not

- Novel
changed AI Buster to the more accurate AI buster in the menu, page titles

- Singles
added image link for quantum ending page

04/30/13: "Item Collector"
- Link
A page covering Items has been created & added!

04/24/13: "Alphabetized"
- Misc
A page listing .hack stories in alphabetical orders been created an put up in the Other Info section!

04/17/13: "Plus What?"
- Manga
The G.U.+ series is now covered!

04/08/13: "Gob!"
- Link
The monsters page now includes Funnyface, details on fleeing monsters, a couple more theoretical english names, and additional notes!

03/31/13: "Complete Edition"
- Manga
The LotT page now includes info on last years re-release of the series in japan!

03/23/13: "Grabs Up"
- Redemption
The epilogue guide now has a few pics included!

03/15/13: "Differentiation"
- Main
I went an replaced the smaller boxart pics with the larger ones previously used in the game pages.

- Games
Replacing the boxart pics on each page are pics of the games title screens!

03/06/13: "From Scratch"
- Redemption
The NPC Script page has been torn down an started anew! Instead of containing only post-game dialogue, it now covers only game start dialogue and has some different formatting. It'll be updated more over time.

03/03/13: "Demo Duo"
- Infection
The demo page now contains screenshots of stuff / messages seen only in the demo!

- Rebirth
The demo page now contains screenshots of stuff / messages seen only in the demo!

02/28/13: "Final Ending"
- Quarantine
The epilogue guide has been almost totally rewritten an massively updated!

02/23/13: "v1.13"
- Games
removed unused menu items Character and Reviews from Infection through Link's page menus

- Infection
corrected the US release date

- Reminisce
NPC Script: fixed the typo "Wait for me1" to "Wait for me!" under Isolde's Breg Epona chat

- Redemption
NPC Script: added a missing "To" to Wang Lin's Mac Anu chat, fixed typos "wring" to "wrong" under Schrodinger, "Hell" to "Hello" and "accpet" to "accept" under yamato_nadeshiko's Breg Epona chat

- Singles
changed OSTs to Singles in the page title of the LotT single page

- Video
added Thanatos Report to the Movies page menu

- Log
added underlines for update dates & titles that were missing from 09/17/12 to 01/14/13 ya I totally flaked out in missing this for so long.

02/16/13: "Forgetfulness"
Added Online Jack to the list and included an image for Thanatos Report!

02/02/13: "Stragglers"
- Checklist
A bunch more things have been added to this! Simple as that!

btw 10 years ago yesterday the first episode of .hack//SIGN aired in the US thus making the series itself now 10 years old as far as releases to the public are concerned. happy 10th international anniversary .hack!

01/24/13: "Adult"
- Novel
Got a page started for .hack//bullet!

01/14/13: "Journal"
- Drama
Time to get that drama sub-section going by adding a page for the End of The World!

01/06/13: "With Heart"
- Singles
A page for the Quantum ending theme is up!

12/28/12: "Double Time"
- Versus
A page loosely covering the playable characters has been made & added!

12/21/12: "v1.12"
- Infection
Extras Guide: corrected the spelling of Jonue, added links to the Monster List for each Goblin, added links to the Rare Armor & Weapons list for the listed equipment, added hover text descriptions for equipment skills
Magical Attack Skills: layout has been updated to substantially conserve space and more closely resemble its G.U. counterparts
Magical Skills: removed ==== category breaks and : from category names
Physical Skills: layout has been updated to substantially conserve space and more closely resemble its G.U. counterparts
Monsters: added name= to the event goblins
Rare Armor/Weapons: added name= to Kagayuzen, Rusty Nails, Ceramic Helm, and Soul Blades

- Mutation
Extras Guide: corrected the spelling of Jonue, added links to the Monster List for each Goblin, added links to the Rare Armor & Weapons list for the listed equipment, added hover text descriptions for equipment
Magical Attack Skills: layout has been updated to substantially conserve space and more closely resemble its G.U. counterparts
Magical Skills: removed ==== category breaks and : from category names
Physical Skills: layout has been updated to substantially conserve space and more closely resemble its G.U. counterparts
Monsters: added name= to the event goblins
Rare Armor/Weapons: added name= to Gemini Soul and Bent Glasses

- Outbreak
Extras Guide: corrected the spelling of Lady's Shoes, added links to the Monster List for each Goblin, added links to the Rare Armor & Weapons list for the listed equipment, added hover text descriptions for equipment skills
Magical Attack Skills: layout has been updated to substantially conserve space and more closely resemble its G.U. counterparts
Magical Skills: removed ==== category breaks and : from category names
Physical Skills: layout has been updated to substantially conserve space and more closely resemble its G.U. counterparts
Monsters: added name= to the event goblins
Rare Armor/Weapons: added name= to Lady Killers, Vampire Blades, Lady's Cap, Lady's Mail, Lady's Gloves and Lady's Shoes

- Quarantine
Extras Guide: added links to the Monster List for each Goblin, added links to the Rare Armor & Weapons list for the listed equipment, added hover text descriptions for equipment skills
Magical Attack Skills: layout has been updated to substantially conserve space and more closely resemble its G.U. counterparts
Magical Skills: removed ==== category breaks and : from category names
Physical Skills: layout has been updated to substantially conserve space and more closely resemble its G.U. counterparts
Monsters: added name= to the event goblins

- Rebirth
Customization Items: removed ---- category breaks and : from category names
Items: removed ---- category breaks and : from category names
Scrolls: removed : from category names
Skills: removed ---- category breaks

- Reminisce
Customization Items: removed ---- category breaks and : from category names
Items: removed ---- category breaks and : from category names
Scrolls: removed : from category names
Skills: removed ---- category breaks

- Redemption
Customization Items: removed ---- category breaks and : from category names
Items: removed ---- category breaks and : from category names
Scrolls: removed : from category names
Skills: removed ---- category breaks

12/12/12: "Quarantine+"
- Quarantine
Updated Goblin strategies, additional Secret Dungeon, Elemental Books, and Item Competion Event info added, and info about the last BlackRose e-mail have been added to the Extras Guide.
Grunty Guide now lists the final prize for being #1!
The NPC Script now includes dialogue for first Crim encounter.

12/11/12: "Outbreak+"
- Outbreak
Terajima Ryoko, additional Goblin strategies, additional Secret Dungeon info, and a fixed reply to BlackRose's extra e-mail have been added to the Extras Guide.
Key items have been added to the Items Page.
The SIGN Ghosts page has been renamed Phantom of Nine and updated with more info.
A page listing the Scrolls that can be obtained in the game has been made and put up!

11/30/12: "Print Screen"
- Versus
A page for Screenshots has been added!

11/25/12: "Bad @$$"
- Link
The Monsters page has been greatly updated with several new monsters added, names seen in the translation patch, some untranslated names added, and reorganized alphabetically!

11/19/12: "Supporting Me"
- Versus
A page covering the unlockable Support Items has been added!

11/10/12: "3rd Gear"
- OSTs
A page for the Link OST is up! This completes the OST subsection~ until they release another?

10/25/12: "The Little Things"
- Video
A new note has been added to the SIGN page regarding that series release on UMD.

- Misc
The gamefaqs page for Versus has been added to the Official & Fansites page.

10/14/12: "v1.11"
- Redemption
Weapons: fixed the in-page link to Blinding Wing

- Versus
The proper boxart has been added

- Audio
Changed the original series soundtrack link from "Game" to ".hack//" in all the menus
Added (Disc.1) after the first "Tracks" and moved the : from the second "Tracks" to after (Disc.2) on the .hack// ost page

- Checklist
This page has had some small design changes

10/05/12: "Collaboration"
- Versus
The weapon list has been completed! Thanks again for helping out with those untranslated ones, Kuukai!

09/26/12: "Almost There"
- OSTs
Pages for the G.U. OSTs are up!

09/17/12: "Year 1"
- Manga
Added Quantum (I)ntroductio & SORA: Beyond The World to the list!

- Novel
Added Quantum: Twin Hearts & Bullet to the list!

- Drama
Added Link X Tales of Graces to the list!

btw its been a whole year since I started up the archives! For just one person I've got a whole lot done! There's still a bunch of stuff for me to cover, spiff up, an who knows what else! Just as the .hack series isn't over, my work here isn't over either!

09/04/12: "New Releases"
- Misc
The Checklist's been updated with all that recent .hack stuff that's been released this year in japan... but nowhere else.

08/25/12: "Edits & Errors"
- Misc
Localization Woes pg.2 has been updated with a whole big bunch of errors I found through my recent re-run through of the series!

08/15/12: "Mutation+"
- Mutation
Additional information about getting Moonstone, Secret Dungeons, and BlackRose & Piros's e-mail chains have been added to the Extras Guide.
Story related key items have been added to the Items page.
A page listing the Scrolls that can be obtained in the game has been made and put up!

08/06/12: "X'over"
- Misc
I made a page listing crossovers relating to .hack in the Other Info section!

08/02/12: "Engine Tweaks eXtend (Pt.2)"
- Misc
The .hack//G.U. Version 3 page has now been overhauled and updated with new info!

07/26/12: "Beta"
- Versus
The Versus page is updated with its rating, save file, and install data info.
A page listing the games weapons is up!

07/19/12: "Can Do"
- OSTs
Pages for the .hack// games & Versus OSTs are up!

- Singles
A page for the Legend of the Twilight opening theme is up!

07/11/12: "v1.10"
- Outbreak
Magical Attack Skills: added "Meooow" to the list

- Quarantine
Grunty Guide: omega server flag racing prizes added

- Rebirth
Monsters: fixed spelling of Carrianne (was Carianne)

- Reminisce
Monsters: hp values for Knuckleman, Gurugon, Great Jaws, and Scalvenger added, removed some linebreaks to correct the formatting in the Dragons section, fixed spelling of Carrianne (was Carianne)

- Redemption
Monsters: hp values for Knuckleman, Gurugon, Great Jaws, and Scalvenger added, removed some linebreaks to correct the formatting in the Dragons section, fixed spelling of Carrianne (was Carianne), fixed a typo with the second area word where Hell Guardian is found

- Manga
LotT: corrected the last chapter titles for LotT Vol.3

- OSTs
Liminality: added a track I mistakenly left out called Liminality #2

- Misc
Official & Fan Sites: the link to the Integrability site has been updated

07/02/12: "Pricey"
- My Collection
.hack//Versus "The World" edition & ost are now in the collection!

06/28/12: "The World Edition"
- Versus
An (admittedly) barebones page for Versus is up!

- All
Now that Versus is indeed a reality, the menus for each page have been updated to include it.
All Video section pages now have the OVA Thanatos Report on their menus.
All Audio pages have the Versus OST in their menus.

06/17/12: "Engine Tweaks eXtend (Pt.1)"
- Misc
The .hack//G.U. Version 2 page has now been overhauled and updated with new info!

06/08/12: "Variety Hour!"
- Rebirth
The Monster list is now complete cause I now got the HP values for Knuckleman, Gurugon, Great Jaws, and Scalvenger!
The NPC Script now covers "bonus" characters!

- OSTs
G.U. Trilogy's soundtrack now has a page!

- Misc
The .hack// Version 2 page has been totally overhauled & updated with new infos!

05/30/12: "o X o"
- My Collection
.hack//frägment is now part of the collection!

05/24/12: "To My Ears"
- OSTs
Pages for Roots 1 & 2 and The Movie OSTs are up!

- Singles
A page for the .hack//The Movie theme cd is up!

05/19/12: "Engine Tweaks (Pt.3)"
- Misc
A list covering the changes between the original .hack games has been added to the Other Information page.

05/04/12: "Haruka's Doing"
- Misc
Localization Woes pg.2 has been updated with several new goof ups covering AI buster & Another Birth! Also some additional commentary at the top of the page.

04/25/12: "v1.09"
- Infection
Extras Guide: remove linebreak between section name & details and character name & first mail, replace - with /, change Twinblade to Twin Blade, put [] around server names, removed the E- from BlackRoses last Mail, changed the layout for goblins and secret dungeons abit
Grunty Guide: corrected the amount of Golden Eggs needed to raise a Poison Grunty
Monster List: surrounded server names with [], corrected last keyword of Bee Assualts location (Remains -> Remnant), corrected the server Arrow Fish is found on (Delta -> Theta)

- Mutation
Extras Guide: remove linebreak between section name & details and character name & first mail, replace - with /, change Twinblade to Twin Blade, put [] around server names, removed the E- from BlackRoses last Mail, changed the layout for goblins and secret dungeons abit, fixed the spelling of Rachels name, added more info about affection, added hero of zeit, added ryu books
Grunty Guide: corrected the amount of Golden Eggs needed to raise a Poison Grunty
Monsters List: corrected a minor typo in the pages introduction, put [] around server names, corrected last keyword of Bee Assualts location (Remains -> Remnant), corrected the server Arrow Fish is found on (Delta -> Theta)

- Outbreak
Extras Guide: remove linebreak between section name & details and character name & first mail, put [] around server names, removed the E- from BlackRoses last Mail, changed the layout for goblins and secret dungeons abit, added more info about affection, added hero of zeit, added ryu books
Grunty Guide: corrected the amount of Golden Eggs needed to raise a Poison Grunty
Monster List: surrounded server names with [], corrected last keyword of Bee Assualts location (Remains -> Remnant), corrected the server Arrow Fish is found on (Delta -> Theta)

- Quarantine
Extras Guide: remove linebreak between section name & details and character name & first mail, surrounded server names with [], removed the E- from BlackRoses last Mail, changed the layout for goblins and secret dungeons and elemental books and item compleiton abit, added more info about affection, added hero of zeit, added ryu books
Grunty Guide: corrected the amount of Golden Eggs needed to raise a Poison Grunty
Monster List: surrounded server names with [], corrected last keyword of Bee Assualts location (Remains -> Remnant), corrected the server Arrow Fish is found on (Delta -> Theta)

- TV
Fixed some typos on SIGNs page.

- Manga
LotT: added a space between chapter 10 and 20 number and title

04/14/12: "Infection+"
- Infection
Additional information about the secret dungeons, affection, and the Ryu Books has been added to the Extras Guide.
Story related key items have been added to the Items page.
A page listing the Scrolls that can be obtained in the game has been made and put up!
8 Phase Sword, Meteor Axe, & Flaming Wand have been added to the Weapon list.

04/09/12: "Full Versions"
- My Collection
LotT OP, Quantum ED, & The Movie ED single cds added!

04/03/12: "Xth Year"
- Link
An Episodes page has been created!

btw 10 years ago today the first episode of .hack//SIGN aired over in japan thus making the series itself now 10 years old as far as releases to the public are concerned. happy 10th anniversary .hack!

03/31/12: "Checkup"
- Misc
The checklist has been updated with more items we haven't gotten.

03/22/12: "More and More"
- OSTs
Pages for Liminality, Legend of the Twilight, and Quantum are up!

03/17/12: "v1.08"
- Redemption
Adjusted some spacing in the Weapon page.

- Link
Changed spelling of Clarinette's name.

- Misc
Fixed a typo on this page and spiffed it up abit.
Fixed a typo on the Checklist.

03/06/12: "Word Play"
- Misc
A new page has appeared in the Other Information part titled Recurring Words which clearly covers words/names/titles reused throughout the series.

02/29/12: "Lost Alchemy"
- Redemption
The weapon page has been updated to include the various upgrades of the Lost Weapons.

02/22/12: "Fodder"
- Link
Seventeen regular monsters have been added to the monster list.

- Misc
Localization Woes pg.2 has been updated with an entry for the Terminal Disc.

02/17/12: "Earful"
- OSTs
A main page for OSTs has been created!
Pages for SIGN 1 - 2 - Extra are up!

- Single
A main page for CD Singles has been created!

- Drama
A main page for Audio Dramas has been created!

- Misc
.hack//The Movie soundtrack has been added to the Checklist.

02/13/12: "Computing"
- My Collection
.hack//Quantum has been added!

02/10/12: "New World"
- My Collection
.hack//The Movie OSTs been added!

01/29/12: "Discarded"
- Misc
There's now a short page covering .hack//Enemy under the Other Information page.

01/17/12: "v1.07"
- Infection
The Physical Skill page now has the same formatting as the other skill pages
The SP cost for Hayabusa has been corrected on the Physical Skill, Rare, and Weapon pages

- Mutation
The Physical Skill page now has the same formatting as the other skill pages
The SP cost for Hayabusa has been corrected on the Physical Skill, Rare, and Weapon pages

- Outbreak
The Physical Skill page now has the same formatting as the other skill pages
The SP cost for Hayabusa has been corrected on the Physical Skill, Rare, and Weapon pages

- Quarantine
The Physical Skill page now has the same formatting as the other skill pages
The SP cost for Hayabusa has been corrected on the Physical Skill, Rare, and Weapon pages

- Movies
Added cleaner G.U. Trilogy image to the movies page

- Misc
Added breaks between entries on Localization Woes page 2

01/10/12: "Links to the Future (Pt.3)"
- Manga
Pages for Link: Twilight Knights are now up!

01/05/12: "Like a Boss"
- Link
The beginnings of a monster list for .hack//Link has been put up. At the moment its only covering non-story bosses, but its a start I felt was needed!

12/29/11: "Links to the Future (Pt.2)"
- Movie
Combining styles from both Books & Video pages I've created and added four pages covering the G.U. Trilogy movie!

12/22/11: "Engine Tweaks (Pt.2)"
- Misc
A list covering the changes between G.U. Vol.2 & G.U. Vol.3 has been added to the Other Information page.

12/17/11: "Engine Tweaks (Pt.1)"
- Misc
A list covering the changes between G.U. Vol.1 & G.U. Vol.2 has been added to the Other Information page.
The second page of Localization Woes has been updated with an entry for G.U. Trilogy.

12/11/11: "v1.06"
- Manga
Added Rena Special & Quantum+ images to the main manga page
Removed GnU from the menu
Changed Rena Special Pack to LotT: Rena Special on the menu

- Novel
Added Zero and Epitaph of Twilight images to the main novel page
Fixed AI Buster Vol.2s cover art on its page
Removed GnU from the menu
Changed Rena Special Pack to LotT: Rena Special on the menu

- Misc
Changed Rena Special Pack to Legend of the Twilight: Rena Special on the Checklist
Removed GnU from the Checklist
Corrected a minor typo in .hack//G.U. The Card Battle on the Checklist

12/07/11: "Seperate Ways"
- Manga
4komas got a page up now!

- Novel
Cell is now covered!

12/03/11: "Links to the Future (Pt.1)"
I've made and posted an episode summary for .hack//G.U. Returner!

- Misc
The second page of Localization Woes has been updated.

11/29/11: "Fin"
- Redemption
As I made one for Quarantines long ago, I've gone and done a guide for Redemptions epilogue!

11/25/11: "E & E"
- Misc
A couple of pages called Localization Woes have been added to the Other Information page!

11/20/11: "v1.05"
- Infection
Monster: corrected Lambada Knifes name=
Weapons: fixed Lambada Knifes misspelled name
Added frägment & mobile page links to each pages is menu

- Mutation
Monster: corrected Lambada Knifes name=
Weapons: removed > after Triple Doom for Nihonmaru, Bloody Lance, fixed Lambada Knifes misspelled name

- Outbreak
Armor: removed 2 from He{dhu&_ _er under Oaken Greaves
Monster: changed the Note to match the one for previous games, corrected Lambada Knifes name=
Rare: removed 2 from He{dhu&_ _er under Kokoro
Weapons: removed > after Triple Doom for Bronze Spear, Nihonmaru, Spear of Spell, Bloody Lance, fixed Lambada Knifes misspelled name, removed 2 from He{dhu&_ _er under Damascus Spear

- Quarantine
Armor: fixed link to Hinata under Cave Bear Hood, Dark Asteroid under Ebony Hauberk, Pysche Vision under Hades Gloves, Golden Crown Th & Mi alignment, fixed Storm Leg Mail tag, removed 2 from A:ro*a Fe/th&r & from He{dhu&_ _er under Oaken Greaves
Monster: fixed Lambada Knifes misspelled name=, fixed location for Snip Snap, Scorpion Tank, fixed links to SWORD, Laevateinn, Water Beast, Bom-Ba-Ye, Alien Leg Mail, Angel Helm, Golden Crown under $nderˆmo\, Ocean Gloves, Sakabatou, Shikisokuzeku, Rondo, Komura, Gakaku, Tsumugari, Siegfried, Segmentart, Oaken Leg Mail, Dimension, Bureido, Rock'n Roll, Fishskin, close tag around Ankokushiki under /onB=llˆ$&a
Rare: closed tag around Stuck?, removed 2 from He{dhu&_ _er under Kokoro, A:ro*a Fe/th&r under Bloodless
Weapons: fixed Lambada Knifes misspelled name, Enja Wood stat, Vajra & Vitality Axe Th & Mi alignment, Hag's Wand title= to name=, added name= to Negation Wand, corrected spelling of Ogre, fixed link to Dark Asteroid under Dragon & Tiger, Psyche Vision under Maestro Axe, removed 2 from A:ro*a Fe/th&r under Missing Axe, He{dhu&_ _er under Damascus Spear

- Rebirth
Scrolls: removed all ----

- Reminisce
Customization Items: removed extra Poison Leaf entry
Monster: added name= to Goblin Abyss & link to its Spell Baiyan
Scrolls: removed ----, bolded learning scrolls, removed an extra line break after Status Decreasing Scrolls
Weapons: added name= to Spell Baiyan & link to Goblin Abyss, added Found: under Gun Fisher

- Redemption
Armor: corrected links to Long-Lived-Lord under Sub Suit & Death Kettle under Rough Steel, added (Vol.2) under Rainbow Scale, added name= to Black Armor, Loose Vest, Rough Shell, Rough Defense & Rough Alloy, added found under Rough Alloy, fixed tag for Rough Amalgam
Monster: fixed Megalo Adamant tag, fixed link to Simple Dark Ball
Scrolls: removed ----, bolded learning scrolls, removed an extra line break after Status Decreasing Scrolls
Weapon: added Found: under Gun Fisher, fixed link to Goblin Knight under Blade Sun, removed f after Goblin General under Blade Seki, added name= to Spell Baiyan & link to Goblin Abyss, fixed tag for Broad Kuajie

11/17/11: "Black & White Versions"
- Manga
A main page for manga has been created!
Legend of the Twilight, Alcor & XXXX are covered!

- Novel
A main page for novels has been created!
AI Buster & Another Birth are covered!

- Misc
.hack in the West is now listed under the new Other Information page
The menu has been updated on every page to include Manga, Novel, Other Information and Update Log links

11/12/11: "Absolute Encirclement"
- Quarantine
Quarantine has been added to the archives!
Items and various Skill pages all new

11/10/11: "1/8000"
- My Collection
Added the limited edition TCG "Gift" pack!

11/08/11: "At Walking Distance"
- Redemption
Accessory, Armor, Weapon, Monster lists added
Split the Item list into Items & Customization Item pages
Key items added to the Item list
Added titles to customization item list
Skills list updated & completed (mostly)
The Scroll list has been redesigned and has related skills added to it

11/02/11: "v1.04"
- Infection
Armor: corrected link to General Armor, remove extra s from Scarab Earring, added name= to Flare Guard
Monster: removed > after Goblin Wiz, corrected link to Mimics Fossil Bracer, corrected area word for Mummy Ripper, Flamer, Fire Witch, put [] around server names
Rare: corrected link to Tetra Armor
Trade List: removed # from Borscht, corrected link to Ice Helm, Air Wand
Weapon: added name= to Executioner, corrected link to General Armor, removed > Bronze Spear, Amazon Spear & Electric Spear Triple Doom

- Mutation
Armor: corrected link to General Armor, Benoit, John, removed # from Gold Necklace, remove extra s from Scarab Earring
Monster: removed # from Shield Devil, added name= to Goblin, Mad Witch, corrected area word for Mummy Ripper, Flamer, Fire Witch, Mimic, corrected link to Fossil Bracer under Mimic, fixed Bom-Ba-Ye spelling
Rare: corrected link to Panta, Tetra Armor, Annri, removed extra Found: under Spiral Edge, added area word for where Blades of Bond are obtained), Mimiru's Sword
Trading: added name= to Noble Grunty, removed # from Yuji, renamed Cossack Leaders first Starstorm Wand to Heaven & Earth (the link was already correct), corrected link to Key Axe, Super Wufei
Weapon: removed > Bronze Spear, Amazon Spear, Electric Spear & Spear of Spells Triple Doom, removed name= from Cypress Wand, corrected link to General Armor

- Outbreak
Armor: correct link to Borscht under Geist Ring, added Mimic under Hands of Earth, removed extra S from Scarab Earring
Monster: closed link tag around Ankokushiki, corrected link to Rock'n Roll, Bom-Ba-Ye, add name= to Goblin, Mad Witch
Rare: corrected link to Tetra Armor
Trade: added name= to Noble Grunty, corrected links to Stone Solleret
Weapons: removed > after Quake Axe, added name= to Matoi

- Misc
Added Links gamefaqs page
Added more still to about the archives

10/30/11: "Gaiden"
- Infection
Added a page covering the demo
- Games
Added a page for frägment
Added a page for Mobile

10/26/11: "Invasive Contamination"
- Outbreak
Outbreak has been added to the archives!
Items and various Skill pages all new

- Misc
Added various gamefaqs links to the sites page
And a tiny lil addition to about the archives

10/22/11: "v1.03"
- Infection
Armor, Rare, Weapon lists editted to add a space before Th tab and two spaces before Mi tab
Items: corrected Healing Potions name
Weapon: corrected Water Wands earth element number

- Mutation
Armor, Rare, Weapon lists editted to add a space before Th tab and two spaces before Mi tab
Items: updated item list
Weapon: corrected Water Wands earth element number

- Rebirth
Accessories: added monster link to Simple Wind Bell, removed from Simple Watch
Armor: added name= to Sub Robe & Loose Kimono, Black Armor, Loose Vest, Rough Shell, Rough Defense, added link to Cernunnos, Horned Archelon, closed name tag to Sub Robe
Monster: corrected Dryas accessory drop, added name= to Cernunnos, corrected link to Blade Sun
Skills: double Zan Rom deleted, corrected Ul Repth recovery amount and item
Weapon: changed Armor Shop to Weapon Shop

- Reminisce
Armor: added name= Loose Vest, Rough Shell, Rough Defense, Rough Alloy, added " to Rough Amalgam, corrected Sub Suit link to Long-Lived-Lord, Death Kettle
Items: added a note at the bottom
Monster: added name= to Drygon, Trainee Owl, Hermit Owl, Sorceror Owl, Crumple Tree, Apititer, Cernunnos, corrected link to Blade Sun, Black Armor, Sub Yin Yang, Rough Iron
Online Jack: description
Skills: corrected Ol Repth item spelling
Weapon: added " to Broad Kuajie, corrected link to Goblin Knight

- Redemption
Items: Book of Stamina change attack to defense, change Niki to Niku
Online Jack: description

- Misc
Added about the archives to this page!

10/18/11: "Left to Right"
- Checklist
Removed part about G.U. novel Vol.4 not being out in NA
- My Collection
Added G.U. novel Vol.4! Over $1600 spent on .hack// stuff~

10/17/11: "A Voice that Reminds Me of You"
- Reminisce
Accessory, Armor, Weapon, Monster lists added
Split the Item list into Items & Customization Item pages
Key items added to the Item list
Added titles to customization item list
Skills list updated & completed
The Scroll list has been redesigned and has related skills added to it

10/15/11: "Extended Cut"
- Video
A subsection for the OVAs is now up! Along with "ports" of my Intermezzo through GIFT episode summaries. Each one has had some minor re-writes, fixes, etc.
A subsection for the Movies is also up! No summaries for them yet since I need to rewatch and cap the Trilogy... and the other movie isn't out yet lol.

10/13/11: "Guidance"
- My Collection
Added the strategy guide for .hack//Quarantine thus completing the set!

10/08/11: "v1.02"
- Infection
NPC: Removed # from "end"
Rename enemy list to monster list
Magic Skills: Remove Ap Anid & Dek Anid
Alphabetized menu

- Mutation
Trade: added proper list since had accidentally re-used Infections, fixed Blessed Blade links, removed Orca
Weapon: add Repth details to Comet Blade
Monsters: changed the Note to match Infections
Moved Physical Skills below NPC Script in menu

- Rebirth
Monsters: Remove # from Dryas & Ruby Cutter, add name= to Goblin Guard
Armor: added level for Wild Robe (47) and Steam Armor (35)
Weapons: Add name= to Spin Kouga, Remove # from Broad Tu Wan, add name= to Blade Sun & monster link moved " from after # to before >
Moved Skill List below Scroll List in menu

- Reminisce
NPC: Ingrid changed "hey" to "Hey", Sagittarius changed "too" to "took"
Alphabetized menu

- Redemption
Description: change like to life
Alphabetized menu

- Link
Main: add 860 mb data install
Alphabetized menu
Changed Enemy Listing to Monsters, Chapters to Episodes

- Misc
Added this page!

10/06/11: "Malignant Mutation"
- Mutation
Mutation has been added to the archives!
Items and various Skill pages all new

- Misc
Put an [x] next to Quantum in the checklist since it has been licensed

09/29/11: "Resurrection"
- Rebirth
Accessory, Armor, Weapon, Monster lists added
Split the Item list into Items & Customization Item pages
Key items added to the Item list
Titles added to the Customization Item list
Skills list updated & completed
The Scroll list has been redesigned and has related skills added to it
Put menu in alphabetical order and removed trading list

09/27/11: "v1.01"
- Infection
Armor: Thunder Torque, Fire Helm remove #
Grunty: To raise, feed it (add comma)
Extras: Its 1 of only 3 summons you'll have access to in the first game.
Enemy: Phoenix Queen, Snip Snap, Lambda Knife remove #
Trade: Stare, Benoit remove #

- Rebirth
Demo: Gott replace with Beast
Chapters: add extra linebreak before 01.)

- Reminisce
Items: Niki Baku Tongue replace $ with %
Chapters: add extra linebreak before 01.)

- Redemption
Items: Niki Baku Tongue replace $ with %
NPC: replace .php with .html
Chapters: add extra linebreak before 01.)

- Roots
Ep1 & 6 were on game Vol.2 & 3

- Misc
Add Redemption had Roots Ep.6 to west article

09/26/11: "Infection Expansion"
Infection has been added to the archives!
Items and various Skill pages all new

- Misc
Added Porolin Shrine to official & fan sites
Changed the "a" in fragment to "ä" in the menu
Changed the articles name from tradegy to what it is now

09/22/11: "Marks"
- Misc
Added the Checklist
Moved My Collection into the archives

09/19/11: "Tragedy"
- Video
Added and touched up pages for each of the tv series

- Misc
Wrote an article chronicling the rise and fall of .hack in the west

09/17/11: "Records"
Motto: Old X New
Added a page covering the Link Demo
Added offical & fan sites page
Fixed a typo on the Link fskits page
Added all old content for the G.U. games

- About the Archives -
Alot of the content here was salveged from my .hack fansite that went down some years ago. But thats only part of the story. Ya see I'm not just simply copying & pasting my old work! Even when that is what I'm doing there was some initial an occasionally on-going effort needed ta fit it into this places formatting, directory links, etc. As an example it took me 70 minutes to create and edit Outbreaks monster list!

An never say perfect cause its not just errors I find in new or touched up content. Nope nope. I've found a buncha things to fix from stuff I had down years ago. I seem ta be abit sloppy since typos, bad links, html errors are kinda bad. But I stand by the content itself. Old or new the stuff I got jotted down here come directly from the games themselves as I played an replayed 'em.

As for the new stuff its new, duh! Never had it on the old site! It also includes big updates to old stuff of which theres been alot. Which is kinda where the motto comes from. I didn't wanna just rehash stuff I'd done forever ago I wanted ta grow and complete my work! Its a fun, tiresome, time consuming, surprising, nostalgic, an passion re-igniting hobby and hey it can't hurt ta have more .hack stuff on the web!

An regarding version updates these are compilation posts of stuff I've found wrong and fixed up. When I find a bad link or whatever I try to fix it asap when possible. Days that I post these are days set aside specifically for finding errors that I hadn't already found & fixed. So why make note of these at all? Simple! So people know stuffs fixed! An the more I find wrong the more I strive ta get things done properly the first time around!
Gaming x Media

- Video Games
- Other Media
- PS Generations
- My Chansey Shrine!
- .hack// Archives
- Cuties!

Other Stuffs

- Lindz' Profile
- Faces Legend
- Site Statistics
- Update Archive