On this page I'll attempt to detail each of the changes to the original .hack// games post-Infection. Minor, middling, major, I hope to catalog them all!
- What They Tell You
• Flag Racing has been added.
• Grunty Search feature now available.
• Now compatibile with Neuro Gloves. (lol)
• The Item Completion Event has returned.
- What They Don't
• The login screen now shows Ver.2.90 with an image of Dun Loireag.
• The login screen now shows Ver.3.02 with an image of Carmina Gadelica.
• The login screen now shows Ver.3.65 with an image of Fort Ouph.
• You can now switch in and out of first person view while riding a grunty.
• You're now able to select which Grunty you want to call in a field instead of it being randomly chosen for you.
• People waiting at the Chaos Gate can now be talked/traded/gifted with instead of saying the same line over and over.
• The player count for Ryu Book III has been upped to 76 giving away how many more party members there will be and that there will be 6 more players running around towns at some point. As a result of this, every player from Wing onward has had their number adjusted.
• This applies to Ryu Book V as well. Though you cannot scroll downward, there is clearly more than one extra spot for new party members unlike in Infection.
• Field & Dungeon layouts have changed. For an example, I checked the area [Delta] Closed Solitary Messenger in each game:
-> Infection: Spring of Myst is in the southeast, Gott Statue in the east.
-> Mutation: Spring of Myst is in the west, Gott Statue in the south.
-> Outbreak: Field map remains the same as Mutation, dungeon reverts to Infection's map.
-> Quarantine: Field map remains the same though a chest is no longer located in the room directly south of the dungeon entrance, dungeon map remains the same as Infection/Outbreak.