^_^ = happy
^_^;; = happy but bashful in a way
~_^ = winking
^_~ = winking
-.-* = feeling small an sorta embarressed/ashamed
x.o = hurt left eye
o.x = hurt right eye
0_o = freaked out!
o_O = freaked out!
0_o;; = freaked worse
o_O;; = freaked worse
-_- = feeling down
-_-;; = really down!
-.- = feeling lil annoyed
~.^ = sexy wink
^.~ = sexy wink
$_$ = seeing cash dreamily
X_X = super dead!
x_X = dead, frightened
X_x = dead, frightened
x_x = dead
z_Z = sorta whacked out sleepy
;_; = crying loudly
;.; = crying littlely
^_O = trying to hide your suprised look
o.o() = worried
^_^() = happy yet embarrased, happily suprised
-_-() = unhappy worry
^_^!! = really happy!
\(^o^)/ = happy thingy
^o^ = oops
@_@ = dizzy, or weirded out, confused
\|^_\|\ = a shy type of happy
\|-_\|\ = shy type of let down
=^_^= = Kitty!
-.- ...zz = Sleeping and or sleepy.
>.o = winking
=^:^= = meow!
-.-! = ::huffs:: or yeah right!
-_-;; = oi...
-_-! = argh!
=_= = really emphisizes something you're saying
n_n = embarassed (alot of people say this is a happy face but ITS NOT!)
n.n = meek/shy
u.u = the answer was right infront of my face
U.U = I'm blind to the obvious
o.o! = surprised
o.o' = attentive, perked up
~_~ = relaxed or in disbelief
~.~ = rolleyes
>.> or <.< = shifty eyes
>_> or <_< = uh...yeah....I'll get to doing that...
>.< = darnit!
>_< = tastes sour or I / You really messed up!
-_-? = a questioning sigh like you're about ta ask what favor is needed of you
-.-() = annoyed worried
>_<; = whoops!
^_^? = wait what?
=o.o= = mrow!
o_o; = stunned, like woah....
z_z = tired!
z.z = tired of the same old same old
e.e = nervous disbelief
e_e = weirded out
e_e; = nervous
>_< ? = that doesn't sound right
><> = fishie!
<_> = crosseyed
T_T = kinda crying
~.o = suspecting
u_u = sad
U_U = really dissapointed
c_c = you were right!
c.c = I see...
v.v = sigh
v_v = annoyed
._. = sad
t.t = uncomfortable
s_s = kinda dizzy
x.x = kinda dead
f_f = I don't believe it
g_g = needs more sleep
p_q = monocles
w.w = extra sigh
w_w = sad
r_r = shifty eyes
,^_^, = tears of happiness
s.s = dazed an confused
a_a = looking away
a_a? = questioning look away
a_a() = nervous glance away
u_u; = sad an don't wanna talk about it
z_z?? = sleepy & confused
u.u! = aha I knew it!
n_n; = pretty embarassed
n_n? = embarassed and confused
d_d = raised eyebrows
D_D = ohhh wow!
p_d = googly eyes
=o.x= = me--ow!
p.p = reeeaalllyy...
8.8 = four eyes?
<[o.o]> = just a face lol
^_^* = happy+!
*.* = starry eyed
*_* = starry but expressionless?
^-^ = dumb happy face
o.o = interested
~o.o~ = intrigued
^.^ = pleased
^.^* = pleased+
z_s = to tired and mishears/speaks
b_d = evil!
'_' = weird face!
d^_^b = I'm all ears
+_+ = so not amused
Y_Y = teardrops
q^_^p = la la la can't hear you
>~<> = tadpole
^.^; = embarassedly pleased
^.^! = pleasantly surprised
d{>_<}b = its called d
~^_^~ = super smile!
=/o.o\= = attentive kitty!
6_6 = raised eyebrows
>_x = annoying pain
/_/ = reeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy...
[o.o] = feeling boxed in
i.i = tears
?_? = I dun get this at all!
7_7 = whatever
L_L = total disbelief
:_: = double vision
Q_Q = deal with it
=^.^= = happy kitty!
;.- = annoyed tears
.u. = gasp!
\(^.^)/ = hooray!
/(-.-)\ = doggie
|~.~| = lalala I can't hear you
¢_¢ = paying with change
o(^o^)o = yyaaayyyy!
~.< = sour!
o~o = weirder face!
M_M = quiet tears!
(>'.')> = kirby!
\-"."-/ = cheer
J_J = yuuuuuup
k.k = kk I got it
(>^.^)> = happy happy kirby!
(^_^;) = mistral sweatdrop
(T_T) = sad reki
->.<- = holding my breath!
(o.o*) = curiousity
\z_z\ = loungin'
|\-.-/| = bat!
o~o = nose wrinkle
g.g = droopy eyed
°-° = woooahhhh
ö.ö = raised eyebrows
·.· = soooo lil
Ø=Ø = suspect stare
¬.¬ = tell me more
¬_¬ = shaddup you!
¯_¯ = zero attention
Ð_Ð = woaaahhh!
(\o.o/) = crab!
(-)_(-) = baggy eyes
( ^ - ^ ) = squee!
~°.°~ = w/e!
¿o¯o = something seems off
õ.õ = eyebrow waggle
\|-.\|\ = super shyness
°(_)° = big nose!
l°_°l = no ones home
(°v°\) = birdie!
(≧∇≦) = ultra happyness!
(;¬_¬) = ya can't be serious
¬_^; = this plan can't possibly fail!
·_· = ditto!
\_/ = ultra angry
\(◎o◎)/ = ultra wow!
●~* = bomb?!
*~* = smirk
(]o.o[) = sandwiched in!
(^o^)丿= yeahhh!!
L0.0L = lol'ing at someone
:.: = sadness?
( ̄ー ̄) = smug as fuck lol
( ̄o ̄) = interested
^_~ ☆ = idol wink
□_□ = glare!
~≧.≦~ = gimme gimme gimme!!!
( ^ . ^ ) = more happiness
≧≦≧ = fishie on cutting board?!
^_~ ♥ = heart wink!
-♥.♥- = heart shades!?
(’-’*) = cute!
(゚⊿゚) = wooooooow!
| ̄|_| ̄| = ultra big embarassment!
D.D = ultra shock!
α_α = just look the other way
//⊿_⊿// = livin' in italics
>☆_☆> = super star
x¯x = rip??
`.` = minimalist?
|`-`| = feeling cross!
<( '.' )> = more kirby!
¿¯¿ = reeeeaaallllyyy dun get this!
ー.ー = resting!
(^^); = the shack is here!!
●.● = wide-eyed!
(,)_),) = looking down
(\_/) = mega angry!
"o.o" = extra attentive
/)_(\ = droopy eyes!
^-^? = ask away!
▽_▽ = suspicious?
;▽.▽ = super skeptical!
.-. = upside down?
(]^-^[) = cozy!
°_° = blank slate?
(>^.^<) = still more kirby!
=(n.n)= = shy kitty
(゜-゜) = wasn't me!
(U U) = bunny?!
(⌐■_■) = shades?
°~° = interested!
=▽.▽= = staring kitty?
 ̄~ ̄ = snubbed!
♥o.o♥ = pretty!
(\.'_'./) = another crab?
<(`^´)> = whining!
(•ө•) = another birdie?
~(=^–^) = kitty on the move!
▽~▽ = disgruntled?
~●-●~ = smooth shades!
□.□ = staaaaare
(・・? = lil question!
◠‿◠ = super smilin'!
o@o = piggie?
\|/ = fake W!
~`-´~ = whatevs
□.■; = bee sting!
(゚д゚) = the horror!
~ ・.・~ = spoooooky?
>°)))))))))))))))彡 = loooonnnnng fishie!
(\_/o) = those mario chompers!
♥_♥ = love!
◕.◕ = pleeeaasseee
(•\/•) = owl?
(・・;) = fretting
‿_‿ = even more letdown
\(´▽`)/ = super satisfied!
⌐(>.>)⌐ = thattaway
*’-’* = sparkling!
( ´.`) = nervous worried
(*_*) = amazed!
!(^_^)! = over here!!
(・へ・) = shrug
'◕~◕' = wavering?
=◠~◠= = happy kitty!
*へ_へ* = shimmering?
(°◇°) = what!?
(\n.n/) = shy crab!
x¯x = passed out?
=^.^= ♪ = singing kitty!
⌐❤-❤ = heart shades, again!
(°< = pac?!
¯\/-¯_¯-\/¯ = whatevs redux!
(◇-◇) = tremble?
✧✧(^.^)✧✧ = glittering!
(・8・) = birdie!
♫꒰・‿・꒱♫ = music!
(ò︵ò) = upset?
(/_\); = scared!
(((#=^-^=) = nuzzlin' kitty!
┌|゚-゚|┘= cactuar?
(つo.o)つ = pushing?
◣.◢* = irritated!
(。。) = glancing away?
=^‿^= = kitty grin!
⌐□-□' = nerdy glasses?
꒰。。꒱ = fluffy critter?
♫(>^◡^)>♫ = jammin'!
(⌐☆.☆) = star shades!
( ^ _ ^ ) = wideface happy?
(='.'=) = rabite!
◢_◣ = frowny?
(∩.∩) = pleased!
o(>< )o = stressing?
►▃◄ = super sour / messed up!
(.-.) = chill upsidedown?
*\-^.^-/* = cheering!
◇~◇; = squirming?
/\_/\ = false smile!
=o-o= = kitty staaaaare
(ᴗ_ᴗ) = dissapointed!
˚.˚ = high strung?
◕‿◕ = sweet smile!
⊂_⊃ = lookin both ways?
ò.o = uncertain
(/>.<)/ = throwing a fit!
h_h = dissatisfied
(l'o'l) = shock!
('ᄉ') = concerned bunny?
Ø_Ø = expectant
é.é = in a hurry!
[^ ᗜ ^]♫ = chatty?
(/^-^)/ = zippin' along!
(ㆁᴗㆁ✿) = cheerful!
☆.☆* = sparkling starry!
°.° = vacant?
ᗜ.ᗜ = cheesed!
>□< = fussing?
\ᄉ.ᄉ/ = surprise!
( •_•) = seen some shit?
-﹃ - = droolin'!
(~^.^)~ = dancin'?
(‘ ͡ ‘) = hmm...
°o.o° = bright-eyed!
╰_╯ = golden sun angry
▃_▃ = squished?
ᄉ_ᄉ = happy ex!
⨪_⨪ = very serious
;︵; = smelled onion!
►o.o;◄ = surronded by spikes?
^ᆺ^ = chuffed!
|||_o = peeking out?
(o.o)`/ = headscratcher!
•.•* = intense stare?
•̀_•́ = go on...
°o° = ooo shiny!
꒰ê.ê꒱ = earmuffs?
*-* = hyper!
>_o = somethin' in eye?
>/\< = demanding!
◉-◉ = beggin'?
๑.๑ = swirly eyed!
✿o.o✿ = flowery?
ᆺ_ᆺ = squished happy!
/(o.0)/ = tripping?
˘︹˘ = dejected!
=■.■= = cool cat?
~(°^°)~ = not my prob!
စ.စ = blanked out?
'‿' = derpy!
⊙~⊙ = unphased?
(  ̄▽ ̄) = chillin!
'ᴗ.ᴗ' = disappointed
ㆆ-ㆆ = miffed?
♦^.^♦ = blush!
('ヮ') = overjoyed!
•`_´• = steamin' mad?
>ᴗ< = chuckling!
꒪⌓꒪ = ghost?
ヾ(^_^) = waving!
(;´・`) = distressed?
(ײַ) = narrow!
→_← = very no?
˚▱˚ = wowee!
(*---*) = ghostly?
︹_︹ = large an in charge!
•□• = oh my
꒪~꒪ = unperturbed?
•ᄉ.ᄉ• = fashionable!
(⌐_⌐) = not buyin it?
(]>-<[) = gettin' smooshed!
ө__ө = zoned out?
•·• = tiny shades!
(°•°;) = freaked out?
(っ'ヮ'c) = silly!
ᄉ♥ᄉ = kiss??
ㆆ.ㆆ = concerned!
≧.≧ = shy blush?
◉_◉;; = excited!
'̀-'́ = miffed?
º-° = super surprised!
^∇^ = big grin?
⋋_⋌ = ate spicy food!
⌓.⌓ = has suspicions?
꒰꒱_꒰꒱ = puffy eyed!
=◠.◠= = pleased kitty?
`_` /`` = dusting!
=ФェФ= = sneaky cat?
°﹃ ° = outta it!
◢◣_◢◣; = two faced?
'J_'J = dun look at me!
˘^˘ = hmph!
▱.▱* = alerted?
(*´-`) = dozing!
>⌓< = ouchies?
OᗜO = super smile!
゜□.゜ = food on face?
◝(´︶`)◜= yayness!
^_~ * = sparkle wink
a.a = ignoring ya!
¬‿¬ = cool?
0 __ 0;; = mega sweatdrop!
(~‾.‾)~ = wiggly?
'﹃' = hungry!
⋌_⋋ = squinting?
[l_l] = unblinking!
•̃-•̃? = pondering?
⋌⌓.⌓⋋ = who? me?!
 ̄~ ̄ = bored!
•́^•̀ = woeful?
»v_v« = not lookin'!
n_o = just no?
u_n or n_u = up an down!
>.e = bit into something bitter?
⋋o⋌ = screamin'!
⥀‿⥀ = dopey?
(´〇`) = mega yawn!
┻━┻ = nonplussed?
(- o.o)- = pointing!
●'~_~'● = earmuffs?
/꒪^.^꒪\ = meatball head!
▼~▼ = muffled?
(˶・֊・˶) = blushing!
-^.^- = pleased as punch?
c_ↄ = fuzzy vision?
○֊○ = eggin' ya on!
=^.^= = kitty w/ears!!
y.y = yeah yeah
q‿q = goofy face?
Ö.Ö = blown away!
ө‿ө; = alil tense?
►▲◄ = max angry!!
∩_∩* = friendly smile!
•-@.@-• = nerdy glasses
(・_・,) = nervous sweatdrop
>﹏<; = cowering!
o.< = not sure if like?
•-• = super small!
◞‸◟= depressed?
﹏.﹏ = checked out!
~~(>^.^)> = gogogo!
꒪▲꒪ = aghast
r-.-r = I goin over there
=▱ᆺ▱= = cats watchin'!
꒪.꒪; = alil spooked
Ç.Ç = sleep deprived?
ⁿ-ⁿ = chibi embarassed!
└_└ = like, reallys?
=○-○= = attentive kitty!
█ ▄ █ = BIG?
♦=^~^=♦ = cheery kitty!
¤u_u¤ = bitter?
».» or «.« = zooming around!
x_─ = defeated?!
∙.∙ = soooo tiny!
(|-~.^-|) = cool headphones?
+*_*+ = glittery earrings!
?.? = ya sure?
\ o.o / = weeeee!
^ᆺ^; = my my?
º O º = super gasp!
◙/_/◙ = spooky face?
+.+! = very amused!
\(´ᗜ`)/ = ready to eat!
~⊿~ = snooty?
/■.■/ = the wave!
☆*.*☆ = intensely starry eyed!
≈ ~ ≈ = drifting off?
¤.¤! = fired up!
δ.δ⌠ = go thataway
┬o┬ = teary-eyed
^_^ = santa cap!!
꒪︹꒪? = stumped?
☼~☼ = prickley?
-=.=- = extra squinty
0.<;; = bit my tongue?
(] _ [) = very sorry
º﹏~ = just trust me!
[ⁿo.oⁿ] = peering?
$︹$ = too pricey!
>﹏● = bad tasting!
()_() = dilating eyes
⌂‿⌂* = got praised!
■◘▄◘■ = quite fussed!
(0‿0) = chill happy
`.`; = totally innocent?
O□O = quite astonished!
u.u() = obliviously ignorant?
⌐_⌐ = uh huh
(□_□) = pertubed!
))l_l(( = smooshed?
◉□◉; = unbelievable!
ↄ﹏ↄ = jittery?
-.0 = unexpected
>^_^< = dual cheek poke!!
<_> = back 'n forth?
@_@;;; = HOT!
~.-+ = strained wink?
(○_○) = the stare!
^ >.< ^ = I give up!
(⌂.⌂); = meek sweatdrop?
☼o-o☼ = urchin attack!!!
⊂~● ●~⊃ = sus!
◘.◘* = bothered?
(o‿<) = its a secret!
d_b = mean look?
^».«^ = rockin' out?
'•' = wowee!
0.0 = super surprised!
•̀◣_◢•́ = maximum mad?
╥_╥ = hopelessness
*~.¬ = cute wink!
"\-.-/" = air quotes
⊂~~⊃ = vibin'
=>.<= = beggin' kitty!
Total: 511 !!!
These following faces and descriptions were made by webmaster@zapchu.com
(may or may not still exist, but we'll never forget ya either way!)
(O^.^O) ~ Chuuuu
(O-.-O) ~ Zaaappchuuu
(Ox.XO) ~ :: dead ::
(O^.-O) ~ :: wink ::
(O$.$O) ~ chuuu! (cash!)
(O`.`O); ~ :: sweat drop::
(O=.=O) ~ zappchuuu :: starts sleeping ::
(*^.^*) ~ :: cheek sparks ::
(O`~`O) ~ ditto! ditto...
(O'.'O) ~ CHUU!!! ::thundershocks ditto::
(O-'.'-O) ~ ::blush::
(o-^.^-o) ~ chuuu! ::in love::
(O-.-O);;;; ~ zappchuu...::pissed off::
(O~.~O)``` ::gets hit on head::
(O;.;O) ~ CHUAAA!
(O-.;) ~ :gets slapped on cheek:
(O@.@O) ~ :seizues: [hehheh]
(Oi.iO) ~ :stream of tears:
(O?.?O) ~ ::confused::
(O|.|O) ~ ::OMG!!!::
++( ^ ^ )++ ~ (Uba)
(^..^) ~ (Bulbasaur)
(O^o^O) ~ (Ditto!)
(O\./O) ~ CHUUU! ::thundershocks all three of them::
`(O^.^O)'` ~ ::distress::
(O;.;O)` ~ ::DAMN PISSED OFF::
(Oè.èO) ~ ::ack! WTF!::
Total: 27