12/06/24 [11:59 p.m.] - the games ranking page is updated once more!
12/05/24 [10:22 p.m.] - theres now a beggin' kitty in the faces legend now!
12/04/24 [9:24 p.m.] - new freebie gear came out today so I plopped onto ngs helena and onto her page!
12/03/24 [8:32 p.m.] - I shuffled some stuffs around on the media page to reflect their current status of being watched or finished or watching next!
12/02/24 [8:57 p.m.] - got the pso2 part of the game scores page updated! new solo time attack rank best and new pb for the lillipa one!
12/01/24 [10:33 p.m.] - post-november site stats page has gotten its update! this years getting closer to wrapping up unfortunately. this is the first one I feel like I wish I could have a do-over o.x