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12/31/19 [7:21 p.m.] - officially got no media related things this year so I added 2019 to that page with a big old strike through and plopped in a spot for 2020. here's hoping for a less poor year!

12/30/19 [8:12 p.m.] - the final beaten game of the year - columns! O.o

12/29/19 [9:16 p.m.] - the last new cutie w/pic for the years been put up! she's a rather small one!!

12/28/19 [6:16 p.m.] - the last .hack archives update of the year is here an its a good one imo! next year will be much slower for updates on that part of the site as I've really really run low on things to add/fix up... grant us new .hack content soon please CC2/Bamco!

12/27/19 [8:45 p.m.] - put the tiny genesis on the currently playing list since I'll be messin' around with it for abit! already flunked 1 game on there: alisia dragoon. what a mess!

12/26/19 [10:28 p.m.] - the maybe last faces legend addition of the years here! gotta get them lasts rollin' on in!

12/25/19 [3:33 p.m.] - got a genesis mini! thats being added to my games list! happy christmas!

12/24/19 [9:44 p.m.] - finished my pikachu's winter vacation rewatch! still wish there were more of these shorts, an if there are a nice new compiled release of 'em!

12/23/19 [10:19 p.m.] - consider the psp2i records page updated...!!! prolly dun warrant that level of !!! enthusiasm but hey I'm feelin' kinda hyped up for christmas ya know!

12/22/19 [9:40 p.m.] - found another cutie for my evergrowing list!

12/21/19 [1:51 p.m.] - the latest .hack archives updates arrived on time! as in its done so its time ta post about it!

12/20/19 [9:10 p.m.] - did another dq9 game scores update! wonder if/when I should ever think of like putting together a party ta do something besides thunder thrust lms lol.

12/19/19 [6:19 p.m.] - brought the title count up to date on the site stats page since I was thinkin', then confirmin' it was quite right!

12/18/19 [10:20 p.m.] - got another one for the faces legend! ^_^

12/17/19 [7:15 p.m.] - pika's winter vacations goin' back on the watchin' list as a lead-in to christmas like last year! thats already next week? I can hardly wait!

12/16/19 [8:38 p.m.] - my game list total was wrong an along with it other miscounts so I fixed 'em all up! and gave a beaten * to the shenmue collection!

12/15/19 [11:35 p.m.] - took some lookin' but I found me a new cutie to list!

12/14/19 [8:39 p.m.] - the .hack archives has been updated again! I love it!

12/13/19 [8:50 p.m.] - updated the dq9 part of the random game scores page! over 180 hours now~!

12/12/19 [5:21 p.m.] - gave the psp2i other things page its first updating in a whiles! in other news I've re-learned the slime hil lms spawn trick! so, so good~

12/11/19 [8:42 p.m.] - chansey/blissey/happiny each just got a new shared info bite!

12/10/19 [6:52 p.m.] - dq9 gets back to the currently playing games list! suppose I'ma end the year on my trio of endless grind games!

12/09/19 [10:03 p.m.] - thought up another face for the legend! I'll be cheerful even on this gloomy rainy day!

12/08/19 [9:32 p.m.] - got a pair of all new poké cuties added to the list!

12/07/19 [12:59 p.m.] - the year an .hack archives is winding down! but I've still got some stuff I can think of to add so the latters not done for yet!

12/06/19 [9:58 p.m.] - shuffled some stuffs around on the games page since certain games of interest are gettin' closer to release~!

12/05/19 [6:05 p.m.] - finished up my rewatch of hand maid may the other day. still a cute series! remembered now ta pull it off my media schedule which is one again empty, for now!

12/04/19 [8:36 p.m.] - did an update on psp2i helena's page. been abit since I had ta touch that. need to get on that game more often!

12/03/19 [8:42 p.m.] - another cutie found an safely secured within the cuties list!

12/02/19 [10:27 p.m.] - poked around at some of puyo puyo tetris' alternate modes today cause why not! got some new game scores to add cause of it!

12/01/19 [12:36 p.m.] - gots maybe the last site stats update of the year done! yup its time for many lasts an soon many firsts! an so the cycle continues.
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