01/31/23 [9:10 p.m.] - I beat star ocean tdf today which means its on the beaten games list an off the backlog an stuff! what'll I start next? I dunno yet!!
01/30/23 [10:47 p.m.] - added another series to my up an comin' media list! been play alot of the new star ocean lately and am nearing the end! gonna get back to playing that now!
01/29/23 [9:28 p.m.] - got a shina on the cutie list now!
01/28/23 [10:43 p.m.] - pso2 ngs other things page is caught up now I think! I often forget the ngs side of things. what, screenshots from it? umm laters!!
01/27/23 [10:07 p.m.] - updated this years media expenses with the full price of the .hack cds comin' my way! whys shipping gotta be so pricey and paid weeks after the order??
01/26/23 [8:26 p.m.] - the angriest face yets just entered the legend!!
01/25/23 [8:46 p.m.] - trimmed my media wishlist cause I think I got alil overambitious with it! need less wants, and more less being poor e.e
01/24/23 [6:31 p.m.] - updated pso2 helena's page cause she reacher L90 for her main class! 10 more til the max!
01/23/23 [8:24 p.m.] - did some sf5 arcade mode so I get ta add it to this years beaten games list!
01/22/23 [6:19 p.m.] - I've put miku's bunny onto the cuties list!
01/21/23 [6:47 p.m.] - lotsa new pso2 pics are up now comin' straight outta october! the backlog feels undiminished x.x
01/20/23 [7:13 p.m.] - changed up the fave foods & drinks parta my profile for the first time this year o.o!
01/19/23 [10:54 p.m.] - took a couple things off the eyein' up games list cause I'm not getting sf6 anytime soon for sures, and who need a mineral town demake when I got the original?!
01/18/23 [8:15 p.m.] - just dropped this slightly tense face into the legend! ө‿ө;
01/17/23 [9:13 p.m.] - got another large pso2 titles page update done! it seems the total number of those remain a mystery cause now theres almost a 100 more than I'd added up before @_@
01/16/23 [8:40 p.m.] - plopped another anime onto the up an comin' list that I wanna check out! onimai seems like it oughta be fun right?!
01/15/23 [9:30 p.m.] - I just plopped a chieri onto the cutie list!
01/14/23 [8:24 p.m.] - its time for some fresh site colors! don't be sad the holidays is behind us, look forward to not-winter!!
01/13/23 [9:10 p.m] - updated pso2 ngs helena's page! many more levels, new equips, and skillz!! on a related note: dynes room is loud!
01/12/23 [10:55 p.m.] - put some .hack on my oughta replay games list cause I kinda wanna go through the series again this year! now its being kept closer in mind!
01/11/23 [4:39 p.m.] - I just remembered to switch out sailor moon r for s on the media an schedule pages! movin' on to the real good stuff now!
01/10/23 [8:23 p.m.] - after poking through my pso2 october pics I felt the need to break the pics page up into sections! now I'll surely get said october pics up this week!
01/09/23 [11:07 p.m.] - pso2 ep2's on this years beaten games list! now ta screw around for months before starting the next ep!
01/08/23 [10:00 p.m.] - syaro is the first cutie added to the list this year, complete w/pic ta boot!
01/07/23 [7:55 p.m.] - only nearly a whole week passed by before I remembered to update the year down at the bottom of this page! anyways I added the first chansey info bite to her shrine page this year!
01/06/23 [10:10 p.m.] - made a media expenses page for this year cause I ordered up some .hack cds of questionable value/use!
01/05/23 [8:53 p.m.] - pso2 ngs ch.2's been beaten on put on a freshly made beaten games list! did some update archive stuffs to, pushing the last of 2022 into the archive!
01/04/23 [9:29 p.m.] - the first addition to the faces legend this year is...!! Ö.Ö
01/03/23 [8:17 p.m.] - updated the pso2 titles/achivements page! why'd I name it one thing but call it the other? I dunno!
01/02/23 [8:24 p.m.] - I kicked sonic outta the currently playin' list an put the new star ocean game in its place!
01/01/23 [4:36 a.m.] - first update of the year an naturally its for the site stats page! this is also the first a.m. update of the year. those are really rare so dun expect 'em to be a thing o.o!