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Bringing things into other languages rarely goes perfectly and the .hack// series is no exception to that rule. The stuff below is an exact copy of the Edits & Errors page I had on my old site. This information was put together by myself and many others credited below years ago.
Thanks goes out to "Souten no Balmung" & the fine people at the Gamefaqs .hack//Quarantine board along with kulaguy and OtakuD50 of the Hunter's of Liberation board for providing this information.

Spoiler Warning! Read further at your own risk!

.hack//AI Buster


• None.


• Saying that the One Sin attacks with the same element used against it (instead of the One Sin attacking with the opposite element used against it). (vol.1)

• Albireo says Fire can beat Wood when in actuality, it justs does normal damage. (vol.1)

• Calling Albireo a Pole Arm instead of a LongArm on page 112. (vol.2)

• On page 104, there's a picture of an AI named Rin but is called "Lin" throughout the book. (vol.2)

• Refers to Ouka as "Orca" on page 150, again. (vol.2)

• Saying that Mireille "...resembled a buff female knight wearing plate armor, with long, gray hair reaching down to her ankles, and an imprint of the fire Wave on her body." on page 151. (vol.2)

Lost in translation:

• None



• None.


• One major thing that was altered... in episode 25, Catastrophe.. when Maha gets Data Drained in the Japanese she screamed loudly in a female voice... in the dub this is very faint and hardly noticable... this is due to the audio being cut out which is what they do when dubbing..

Lost in translation:

• There are a few points where translations are a little off but in no huge way... one that I disliked... when someone asked "What kind of Monster is this?" in the Japanese they always said "Did such a Monster ever exist?"

• In the episode "Party" Mimiru talks about her Father embarrassing her, talking of "Who's got the best technique"... this joke was worked out okay... but the Japanese was better... Mimiru thought her Father went around asking "Who is the best Ecchi" [Ecchi meaning pervert] when he said "Ecchin" as in Etching... drawing..

• The sound thing about Sora was his Osaka accent and use of many sound effects.. which they often translated or ignored... In fact his little song "Mocchi Ukki Rakki Mocchi" was cut... it's got no meaning.. just cute sounds.. the sounds he often said..

Ba~kyun: Bang
Ba~myun: Landing sound
Jyuba~: Jumping sound
Pin-Pon: Again sound with no meaning but they had him say "Bingo"



• First of all... Skeith's Staff was edited.. they changed it to look like it did in episode 26 of SIGN... the Q like shape but in the Games since Sora was inside, it had changed to be shaped like a headstone cross... the cross with a circle around the + part... why they edited this? Religion? To make people not get confused about it changing from SIGN? No one knows..

• Also... not an edit or a change.. well kinda.. But they translators wanted to be "Cool" and have Sora speak "Leet" which he did NOT in the Japanese... this I found as a BIG insult to the character Sora... to think he'd speak such a lazy and stupid form of typing.

• Now.. Phases.. these were written in Roman letters.. Enlgish so they had NO reason to edit the names...

Gore = Gorre
Fidhell = Fidchell
Maha = Macha
Corbenik = Corvenik


• MAJOR mistake..

In the Games.. Mistral was pregnant with a baby.. in the US version they said it was a boy.. it was a girl... in fact her daughter is name Mirei and when she turned four Mistral gave her character to her and during a name change event changed it to Mireille... so Mireille from the Twilight Legend Manga/Anime is Mistral's 4 year old daughter.

• Early in the games there's a topic on the message board titled "MISSING." In it a player named Alf is discussed as having not been around recently. That is because Alf is one of the six players that had fallen into a coma as mentioned in the DVD extra (Mystery//03). The error here is that the US version of the games call Alf a "he." But infact she is a female Wavemaster character who was in the .hack//ZERO novel.

Lost in translation:

• First of all.. the titles... the Japanese game titles are and translate to:

Vol 1: Kansen Kakudai = Infection Enlargement/Expansion
Vol 2: Akusei Heni = Malignate Mutation
Vol 3: Shinshoku Osen = Violating/Erosion Pollution
Vol 4: Zettai Houi = Absolute Encirclement

• The place where you get Mimiru's Sword in Mutation.. the Keywords in the Japanese were random like any other story dungeon but they felt it'd be "Cooler" to make it describe Tsukasa... Rejecting Oblivious Wavemaster... other then that, all Keywords were translated correctly from the original Japanese aside from slight changing... like the Goblin Tag keywords in the Japanese ended with the Japanese for "Orge tag" but we got "Sunny Demon"

• Name changes...

US < - > JP

Piros - Piroshi
Sanjuro - Sanjuurou Sunaarashi [Sunaarashi = Sand Storm]
Terajima Ryoko - Ryouko Terashima
Moonstone - Getchogeki
Lios - Lyoth

• They also changed names of some NPCs which had names of characters from Tail Concerto.. but this is because a few characters in Tail Concerto were changed in the English.. they just wanted to do the same... but also like 50% of other NPCs had name changes.

• Also they changed Puchiguso to Grunty... Puchiguso means little creature... when they grew up though they became like Iron-guso = Iron-creature.

• Other then a bunch of Monster's names being translated wrongly or just named whatever the translators wanted... not much else was altered...

4 Monsters in particular... I'll list the US version names and the correct Japanese translation..

"The Bracelet" should be "Twilight Bracelet" [Yes it's the same thing Kite has]
"The Guardian" should be "Twilight Gaurdian"
"Dawn Wanderer" should be "Dusk Vagrant"
"Tempress Lover" should be "Trembling Tempting Lover"

Legend of the Twilight manga


• None


• Many many many typos were in the manga... that is basically it..

• Although one thing many thought was a mistake... Kazu saying Shugo... think it was Shubo or something.. which was correct.. it was a nice name Kazu called him by or something..

• Calling Shugo, Shuga in the Prologue

• The first-edition of Volume 1 had Ouka being called Orca.

• Translating the Spear of Wotan as the Spear of Voltan

Lost in translation:

• .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu .... Shorten version .hack//Udeden = .hack// Twilight's Bracelet Legend. This title was changed in itself.. well kinda... they had it Legend of the Twilight but the Japanese title had no word posessing the word Legend... [No= posession... like Souten No Balmung = Azure Sky's Balmung]

• Off hand I can say they changed Xefi's name to Zefie... which made no sense. Sure Z and X can make the same sound but the added "e" at the end makes no sense... her name is Xefi... pronounced Zey-fee.

Legend of the Twilight anime


• None


• The "knights" in this series were called the Cerulean Knights. That name is incorrect. Look to the manga for the accurate name: Cobalt Knights.

Lost in translation:

• None



• None


• In episode twenty-five, Seisaku says the new guild he's in is called the medic troop. However in the games they are actually called the Medic Union.

Lost in translation:

• None



• None


• In the News article titled "Day Trip to NY! ASST Begins Service" they use (1*) rather than (*1) which is used in every other article that has a note.

• The News article titled "Another Accident At CC Corp." is strangely re-titled "CC Corp. Employees Happy In New Office" at the top of the article itself. No other article has two different titles so this is an oddity and most likely an error.

• The NPC characters "Oimatsu" and "IGA" were incorrectly given each others text. This was corrected in Vol.2 and Vol.3.

Lost in translation:

• None

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