02/04/25 [6:59 p.m] - the site titles page gots the last bunch from 2024 and the first ones of 2025 on it now!
02/03/25 [11:30 p.m.] - woah its been a long time but I got something new on the random game scores for pso2 ngs! gonna start keeping track of those racing times I get!
02/02/25 [10:56 p.m.] - found a pic for the irisu in the cuteness listing! ^.^
02/01/25 [8:21 p.m.] - time for the february site stats update!
01/31/25 [8:21 p.m.] - okies I went an put up a shady lookin' face into the faces legend!
Current update streak: 2402 days in a row.
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