Health Drink: Restore 150 HP.
Healing Potion: Restore 400 HP.
Healing Elixir: Restore HP to the maximum.
Mage's Soul: Restore 100 SP.
Emperor's Soul: Restore SP to the maximum.
Noble Wine: Restore HP and SP to the maximum.
Antidote: Cure poison, paralysis, speed down, and decrease in physical status.
Restorative: Cure curse, sleep, confusion, charm, and decrease in magical status.
Resurrect: Revive a dead ally.
Warrior Blood: Temporary increase in target's Physical Attack.
Knight Blood: Temporary increase in target's Physical Defense.
Hunter Blood: Temporary increase in target's Physical Accuracy.
Hermit Blood: Temporary increase in target's Magical Attack.
Beast Blood: Temporary increase in target's Magical Defense.
Wizard Blood: Temporary increase in target's Magical Accuracy.
Well Water: Temporary increase in target's Earth Element.
Pure Water: Temporary increase in target's Water Element.
Burning Oil: Temporary increase in target's Fire Element.
Holy Sap: Temporary increase in target's Wood Element.
Sports Drink: Temporary increase in target's Thunder Element.
Cooked Bile: Temporary increase in target's Darkness Element.
Fortune Wire: Disarm the trap on Risky Treasure boxes.
Sprite Ocarina: Warp from the dungeon and return to the field.
Fairy's Orb: Unknown areas on the map are displayed.
Power Book: Physical Attack parameter +1.
Tolerance Book: Physical Defense parameter +1.
Insight Book: Magical Attack parameter +1.
Spiritual Book: Magical Defense parameter +1.
Graceful Book: Physical Accuracy parameter +1.
Swift Book: Physical Evasion parameter +1.
Feng Shui: Earth Element parameter +1
Water Magic: Water Element parameter +1.
Fire Magic: Fire Element parameter +1.
Wood Magic: Wood Element Parameter +1.
Thunder Magic: Thunder Element parameter +1.
Black Magic: Darkness Element parameter +1.
Secret: Reason: Magical Defense parameter +2.
Piros' Diary: Magical Attack parameter -1.
Cannot be used. Sell it for money or trade.
Grunty Doll: 250 GP
Rainbow Card: 500 GP
Yellow Candy: 1000 GP
Silver Scarab: 1500 GP
Key Items
- Event Item
The Twilight: U )t and th@ {+&}|*9> is in5tal?e( on 3he c$ar|cter2s ^ata.
Book of Law: Prize for the One Year Anniversary Power Up Campaign.
Book of Iron: An amazing item that will negate enemy attacks!
Remedy: no description. Turns Piros pink.
Custom Remedy: no descripion. Turns Piros yellow.
True Remedy: no description. Turns Piros orange.
First Remedy: no description. Restores Piros to normal.
Love Letter: Goes on and goes on about Gardenia.
Epitaph 00: Read a fragment of Epitaph of Twilight.
Epitaph ?: Read a fragment of Epitaph of Twilight.
Harald's Note: Message from someone...?
Grunty Flute: Summon Grunty in the field.
Imp's Pin: Looks like a cider badge popular among goblins.
- Grunty Food: Food for Grunty.
Golden Egg
Grunt Mints
Twilight Onion
Snaky Cactus
Oh No Melon
White Cherry
Root Vegetable
La Pumpkin
Piney Apple
Immature Egg
Bear Cat Egg
Invisible Egg
Bloody Egg
- Virus Core: Use it to hack gates.
Virus Core A
Virus Core B
Virus Core C
Virus Core F
Virus Core M
Virus Core N
Virus Core O
Virus Core P
Virus Core Q
Virus Core T
- Book of 1000
Ryu Book I: Chronicles the total number of areas and total play time.
Ryu Book II: Chronicles the total number of magic portals in the field and dungeons.
Ryu Book III: Chronicles the names of players you have met.
Ryu Book IV: Chronicles the name of monsters you have fought.
Ryu Book V: Chronicles about your friends.
Ryu Book VI: Chronicles about Gott statues, treasures, boxes, casks, jars, and bones.
Ryu Book VII: Chronicles about the Spring of Myst and Symbols.
Ryu Book VIII: Chronicles about Grunties and food for Grunties.