1 = takes up one slot
2 = takes up one slots
3 = takes up one slots
S = the effects of these stack
Fire Mouse Skin - Fire, 1/S
Add fire damage to regular attacks.
Olm Shell - Water, 1/S
Add water damage to regular attacks.
Wing of Lufu - Wind, 1/S
Add wind damage to regular attacks.
Soil Bug Antenna - Earth, 1/S
Add earth damage to regular attacks.
Scorpion Tail - Poison, 1
Add poison to regular attacks.
Midoro Flagellum - Curse, 1
Add curse to regular attacks.
Sleeping Powder - Sleep, 1
Add sleep to regular attacks.
Mantis Nail - Wrath, 1/S
Increase critical hit rate by 10%.
Bear Paw - Ill, 1
Back attacks are always critical.
Thunder Deer Hoof - Light, 1/S
Add light damage to regular attacks.
Dark Lizard Tail - Dark, 1/S
Add darkness damage to regular attacks.
Astrid Specimen - Seal, 2
Add seal to regular attacks.
Cow Stomach - Blunt / Gravity *, 2
Add slow to regular attacks.
Stingray Stinger - Bind / Paralyze / Faze **, 2
Add paralysis to regular attacks.
Shark Tooth - Wrath, 2/S (with Nil Strike)
Increase critical hit rate by 25%.
Niku Baku Tongue - Drain, 2
Absorb 10% of regular attack damage as HP.
Ein Baku Tongue - Soul, 2
Absorb 10% of regular attack damage as SP.
Demon Bat Horn - Faze, 3
Adds Confusion to attacks.
Maiden's Hair - Charm, 3
Adds Charm to attacks.
Sabertooth Tooth - Wrath, 3
Critical attack +50%.
Niku Baku Fur - Drain, 3
HP drain +25%.
Ein Baku Fur - Soul, 3
SP drain +25%.
Niku Baku Jawbone - Drain, 3
HP drain +50%.
Ein Baku Jawbone - Soul, 3
SP drain +50%.
Stopping Moss - Death, 3
On a critical hit, halves the target's HP.
Anti-Air Compass - Drop, 2
Easier to knock down airborne enemies.
Nutcracker - Crush, 2
Easier to break shells of shelled monsters.
Ninja Claw - Rush, 2
Increase critical hit damage bonus by 10%.
Strategic Fan - Chain, 2
Increase chance to rengeki.
War Drum - Divine, 1
Hold down X to perform combo hits.
Nil Stike - Rage, 1
Increase critical hit rate by 25%.
Nil Theft - Plunder, 1
Absorb 25% of regular attack damage as HP.
Nil Madness - Chaos, 1
Add confusion to regular attacks.
Nil Defile - Corrode, 1
Half the target's HP.
Nil Ally - Ursurp, 1
Absorb 25% of regular attack damage as SP.
Nil Charm - Tempt, 1
Add charm to regular attacks.
Nil Encroach - Stun, 1
Regular attacks have a 10% chance to reduce the enemy's HP to 10% of its max.
Nil Abduct - Take, 1
Absorb 50% of regular attack damage as HP.
Nil Embrace - Usurp, 1
Absorb 50% of regular attack damage as SP.
Ginseng - Power, 3
Damage from regular attacks, spells, arts and attack items are multiplied by 1.25.
Grudge Water - Chance, 3
The lower your HP is, the larger the bonus is to your physical attacl.
Crystal Skull - Logic, 3
Attacks with the enemy's weakness type.
Lodestone - Fierce, 3
All type attacks are critical type attacks.
Cat Fang - Rush, 3
Damage from surprise attacks are multiplied by 1.25.
Shogun's Fan - Chain, 3
Increase chance to rengeki. (more effective than Quick Rengeki)
Fireserpent Skin - Fire, 3
Add fire damage to regular attacks.
Jurgl Shell - Water, 3
Add water damage to regular attacks.
Phoenix Feather - Wind, 3
Add wind damage to regular attacks.
Greatworm Feeler - Earth, 3
Add earth damage to regular attacks.
Stormbeast Hoof - Light, 3
Add light damage to regular attacks.
Dark Iguana Tail - Dark, 3
Add darkness damage to regular attacks.
Octoscorp Tail - Poison, 1
Add venom to regular attacks (more effective than poison).
Starfish - Curse, 1
Add voodoo to regular attacks (more effective than curse).
Iron Cow Stomach - Blunt, 2
Add stun to regular attacks (more effective than slow).
Gurah Fist - Master, 3
All regular attacks are critical hits.
Hermit Shell - Defense, 2
Automatically guard against enemy attack.
Turtle Shell - Absorb, 1/S (with itself & Armadillo Shell)
Decrease physical damage by 10%.
Turtle Crest - Holy, 1/S (with itself & Armadillo Crest)
Decrease magic damage by 10%.
Cleansing Pill - Remedy, 1
Nullify poison.
Jinx's Bane - Heaven, 1
Nullify curse.
Caffeine Drink - Vigil, 1
Nullify sleep.
Poison Leaf - Naja, 1
Counter with poison when hit with regular attacks.
Curse Plant - Haunt, 1
Counter with curse when hit with regular attacks.
Dream Wood Leaf - Dream, 1
Counter with sleep when hit with regular attacks.
Body Egg - Vigor, 1/S (with itself, Body Larva & Body Scale)
Increase maximum HP by 10%.
Mind Egg - Demon, 1/S (with itself, Mind Larva & Mind Scale)
Increase maximum SP by 10%.
Body Scale - Vital, 1/S (with itself, Body Wing & Body Egg)
Increase maximum HP by 50 points.
Mind Scale - Evil, 1/S (with itself, Mind Wing & Mind Egg)
Increase maximum SP by 50 points.
Fire Resist Seal - Damp, 1/S
Decreases fire damage by 50%.
Aqua Board - Dry, 1/S
Decreases water damage by 50%.
Calm Propeller - Wall, 1/S
Decreases wind damage by 50%.
Dustproof Lens - Sky, 1/S
Decreases earth damage by 50%.
Iron Shell - Null, 1
Nullify physical damage less than 25.
Iron Crest - Divine, 1
Nullify magic damage less than 25.
Armadillo Shell - Absorb, 2/S (with Turtle Shell)
Decrease physical damage by 25%.
Armadillo Crest - Holy, 2/S (with Turtle Crest)
Decrease magic damage by 25%.
Tinted Glass - Cloudy, 1/S
Decrease light damage by 50%.
Flash Light - Bright, 1/S
Decrease darkness damage by 50%.
Opening Cutter - Vocal, 2
Nullify seal.
Fast Glycerin - Nimble, 2
Nullify Slow.
Anti-Paralysis - Fortitude, 2
Nullify Paralysis.
Blast Leaf - Blaze, 2
Counter with fire attack when hit with regular attacks.
Whirlpool Leaf - Fountain, 2
Counter with water attack when hit with regular attacks.
Vacuum Leaf - Gust, 2
Counter with wind attack when hit with regular attacks.
Desert Rose Leaf - Avalanche, 2
Counter with earth attack when hit with regular attacks.
Flash Leaf - Radiant, 2
Counter with light attack when hit with regular attacks.
Dark Leaf - Shade, 2
Counter with darkness attack when hit with regular attacks.
Coiling Vine - Suppress, 2
Counter with seal when hit with regular attacks.
Paralysis Leaf - Feeble, 2
Counter with paralysis when hit with regular attacks.
Body Larva - Vigor, 2/S (with Body Egg & Body Scale)
Increase maximum HP by 25%.
Mind Larva - Demon, 2/S (with Mind Egg & Mind Scale)
Increase maximum SP by 25%.
Body Wing - Vital, 2/S (with Body Egg & Body Scale)
Increase maximum HP by 100 points.
Mind Wing - Evil, 2/S (with Mind Egg & Mind Scale)
Increase maximum SP by 100 points.
Tortoise Shell - Null, 2
Nullify physical damage less than 50.
Tortoise Crest - Divine, 2
Nullify magic damage less than 50.
Twin Scales - Spirit, 2
Exchange HP damage as SP damage. (If SP is zero, HP will decrease as normal.)
Steel Shell - Absorb, 3
Decrease physical damage by 50%.
Steel Crest - Holy, 3
Decrease magic damage by 50%.
Sanity Fan - Aware, 3
Nullify confusion.
Health Aroma - Stoic, 3
Nullify charm.
Confusion Leaf - Delude, 3
Counter with confusion when hit with regular attacks.
Fairyleaf - Seduce, 3
Counter with charm when hit with regular attacks.
Body Butterfly - Vigor, 3
Increase maximum HP by 50%.
Mind Butterfly - Demon, 3
Increase maximum SP by 50%.
Body Moth - Vital, 3
Increase maximum HP by 250 points.
Mind Moth - Evil, 3
Increase maximum SP by 250 points.
World Mirror - Purify, 3
Nullify all status effects.
Spirit Tree Bud - Force, 2
Increase all parameters by gradually consuming SP.
Dual Angel - Solid, 2
Decrease Dual Sword damage taken by 50%.
Broad Angel - Elastic, 2
Decrease Broadsword damage taken by 50%.
Scythe Angel - Dulling, 2
Decrease Scythe damage taken by 50%.
Bayonet Angel - Thick, 2
Decrease Bayonet damage taken by 50%.
Blade Angel - Blunting, 2
Decrease Blade Sword damage taken by 50%.
Gauntlets Angel - Soft, 2
Decrease Gauntlets damage taken by 50%.
Lance Angel - Rigid, 2
Decrease Lance damage taken by 50%.
Staff Angel - Padded, 2
Decrease Staff damage taken by 50%.
Grimore Angel - Deaf, 2
Decrease Grimoire damage taken by 50%.
Fan Angel - Slick, 2
Decrease Fan damage taken by 50%.
Phonosheet - Chant, 2
Prevents spells from being interrupted by non-arts attacks.
Indulgence - Pierce, 3
Change HP damage to GP damage (if GP is 0, damage is dealt to HP normally).
Fireleaf - Blaze, 3
Counter with powerful fire attack when hit with regular attacks.
Tidegrass - Fountain, 3
Counter with powerful water attack when hit with regular attacks.
Galegrass - Gust, 3
Counter with powerful wind attack when hit with regular attacks.
Stone Rose Petal - Avalanche, 3
Counter with powerful earth attack when hit with regular attacks.
Tommorowleaf - Radiant, 3
Counter with powerful light attack when hit with regular attacks.
Leaf of Lament - Shade, 3
Counter with powerful darkness attack when hit with regular attacks.
Toxic Leaf - Naja, 1
Counter with venom attack when hit with regular attacks (more effective than poison).
Sanctuary Leaf - Haunt, 1
Counter with voodoo attack when hit with regular attacks (more effective than curse).
Dreamhold Leaf - Dream, 1
Counter with siesta attack when hit with regular attacks (more effective than sleep).
Leaf of Binding - Suppress, 2
Counter with banish attack when hit with regular attacks (more effective than seal).
Numbing Lotus - Feeble, 2
Counter with shackle attack when hit with regular attacks (more effective than paralysis).
Frenzyflower - Delude, 3
Counter with insanity attack when hit with regular attacks (more effective than confusion).
Charmleaf - Seduce, 3
Counter with seducing attack when hit with regular attacks (more effective than charm).
Red Sun Stone - Brave, 1/S
Decrease arts SP consumption by 10%. Increase all other skill SP consumption by 5.
Blue Moon Ore - Wizard, 1/S
Decrease attack spell SP consumption by 10%. Increase all other skill SP consumption by 5.
White Star Sand - Medic, 1/S
Decrease recovery spell consumption SP by 10%. Increase all other skill SP consumption by 5.
Gray Comet Dust - Change, 1/S
Decrease status effect spell SP consumption by 10%. Increase all other skill SP consumption by 5.
Gold Snake Skin - Greedy, 1/S
Increase acquired GP in battle by 10%.
Dowsing Rod - Search, 1/S
Increase enemy item drop rate by 10%.
Amber Dragon Eye - Train, 1/S
Increase acquired EXP in battle by 10%.
Evil Snake Skin - Greedy, 2/S (with Gold Snake Skin)
Increase acquired GP in battle by 25%.
Dowsing Chain - Search, 2/S (with Dowsing Rod)
Increase enemy item drop rate by 25%.
Gudo Oil - Compress, 1/S
Increase movement speed by 10%.
Boost Candle - Appraise, 2
Double the effects of items.
Jade Dragon Eye - Train, 2/S (with Amber Dragon Eye)
Increase acquired EXP in battle by 25%.
Colored Core - Zoned, 3
Decrease all skill SP consumption by 10%.
Giant Snake Skin - Greedy, 3
Increase acquired GP in battle by 50%.
Dowsing Board - Search, 3
Increase enemy item drop rate by 50%.
Skill Candle - Berserk, 3
Increase all skill power and consumed SP by half.
Vigor Crystal - Heal, 2
Gradually recover HP.
Spirit Crystal - Regain, 2
Gradually recover SP.
Cat Whiskers - Fast, 3
Avoid encounters with enemies.
Funbolt Oil - Compress, 2/S (with Gudo Oil)
Increase movement speed by 25%.
Sapphire Eye - Train, 3
Increase acquired EXP in battle by 50%.
Time Conch - Rapid, 2
Reduces skill trigger recharge time.
Demonic Mallet - Covetous, 2
Earn extra GP by continuing to attack defeated enemies.
Battle Cosmetics - Passion, 3
Increase Morale charge rate by 1.25.
True Sun Stone - Brave, 3
Reduce Arts SP cost by 25%.
True Moon Ore - Wizard, 3
Reduce Offensive spells SP cost by 25%.
Silver Stardust - Medic, 3
Reduce Healing spells SP cost by 25%.
Ashen Comet Dust - Change, 3
Reduce Parameter spells SP cost by 25%.
Seed of the Land - Zoned, 3
Reduce SP costs of all skills by 25%.
Grab Bag - Lucky, 3
Monsters will always drop rare items.
Bell of Time - Rapid, 3
Reduces skill trigger recharge time. (more effective than Quick Charge)
Divine Seed - Growth, 3
Gain more Skill LV.
Rosary of Health - Heal, 3
Gradually recover HP (greater than HP Regen).
Rosary of Spirit - Regain, 3
Gradually recover SP (greater than SP Regen).
- The word next to each items name is its "title". Spin Gai Gu + Fire Mouse Skin = Fire Gai Gu, and so on.
- A lot of equipment comes pre-customized. If you're missing a customization item in your Ryu Book IV try de-customizing things you've found or bought. You may have had that missing item all along, but it never counted until you had it seperate from the equipment it was attached to.
- The Emperio guild shop specializes in selling customization items.
- Stuff like Niku Baku Tongue and Nil Theft don't stack in the truest sense of the word but ya will get the effects of both if they're both put on the same weapon. Its not an either/or thing!
* For some strange reason Cow Stomach has two different word associated with it depending on the weapon type. In the PS2 originals, its Blunt for Dual Swords. In Last Recode however, Dual Swords, Gauntlets, Staff, and Grimoire make it Blunt. While the others are Gravity.
** Stingray Stinger has three different words associated with it depending on the weapon type. Dual Swords & Gauntlets makes it Bind. Staff & Grimoire makes it Faze. And for the other weapon types its Paralyze.