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Skill Key:

SP = Skill points needed
Normal = A normal attack best used against normal enemies
Aerial = Attacks useful against flying enemies
Pierce = These are useful against armored enemies
Item = Item that has the same/similar effects as the skill
Scroll = Scroll that has the same/similar effects as the skill

Dual Swords

L01: Gale Blade - SP: 10
Normal / Single (small): three consecutive attacks.

L03: Sparrow Counter - SP: 15
Aerial / Single (small): float and slam down an enemy.

L05: Sword Dance - SP: 12
Normal / Range (small): attack by creating circular air on the blade.

L07: Tri-Strike - SP: 18
Pierce / Single (medium): powerful lunge.

L11: Whirlwind - SP: 21
Normal / Single (medium): 6 hit whirlwind attack.

L14: Chaotic Strike - SP: 30
Aerial / Single (large): fly up and attack airborne enemies.

L21: Ghost Falcon - SP: 52 *
Lv.3 Arts - Aerial / Single (large): rapid-attack the enemy from midair.


L01: Tiger Blitz - SP: 12
Normal / Single (small): powerful V edge.

L03: Twin Moons - SP: 15
Aerial / Single (small): strike upward.

L05: Armor Pierce - SP: 18
Pierce / Single (small): strike upward.

L07: Bone Crusher - SP: 20
Pierce / Range (medium): whirlwind attack.

L12: Tiger Strike - SP: 28
Normal / Range (medium): swing attack leveraging the sword's weight.

L15: Shell Breaker - SP: 36
Pierce / Single (large): break through enemies' defenses.

L21: Armor Break - SP: 62 *
Lv.3 Arts - Pierce / Single (large): rapid-attack the enemy from midair with the sword.


L11: Wicked Strike - SP: 15
Normal / Range (small): circular slash.

L11: Lotus Flower - SP: 18
Aerial / Range (small): circular slash followed by upward strike.

L12: Reaper's Touch - SP: 32
Normal / Range (medium): multiple circular slashes.

L16: Heavenly Wheel - SP: 40
Aerial / Range (large): airborne circular slashes.

L21: Reaper's Dance - SP: 66 *
Lv.3 - Arts Normal / Range (large): summon a demon's claw.


L01: Thorn Shot - SP: 15
Normal / Range (small): jump and sweep with the gun.

L04: Thunder Spark - SP: 22
Pierce / Single (small): double shot.

L07: Plectra Bullet - SP: 18
Aerial / Range (small): rapid-fire upwards.

L12: Tempest Blast - SP: 40
Pierce / Range (large): powerful piercing shot.

L16: Sphere Bullet - SP: 36
Aerial / Range (small): upward scatter shot.

L21: Dust Bullet - SP: 66 *
Lv.3 - Arts Aeiral / Range (large): shoot 3 consecutive shots upward.


L01: Rapid Attack - SP: 12
Normal / Single (small): rush with strike and kick.

L05: King Hammer - SP: 15
Pierce / Single (small): pursuit attack to break down enemy guard.

L11: Tiger Bite - SP: 24
Normal / Single (medium): rush with chi-blast and kick.

L15: Palm Blast - SP: 30
Pierce / Range (medium): foward chi-blast.

L21: Shell Shock - SP: 57 *
Lv.3 - Arts Pierce / Range (large): strike then slam the enemy down.


L01: Sword Flash - SP: 10
Normal / Single (small): fierce lunge.

L04: Ogre Sword - SP: 12
Normal / Range (small): quick sword draw.

L07: Lateral Moon - SP: 15
Aerial / Single (medium): powerful strike upward.

L11: Razor's Edge - SP: 25
Normal / Single (medium): lunge followed by multiple strikes.

L15: Disaster Sword - SP: 30
Normal / Range (large): sword draw with upward strike.

L21: Devil Sword - SP: 52 *
Lv.3 - Arts Normal / Range (large): Draw an infinite amount of rings in midair.


L01: Air Raid - SP: 15
Aerial / Single (small): thrust upward.

L05: Thorn Dance - SP: 18
Pierce / Single (small): break through the enemy's defense by force.

L11: Piercing Heaven - SP: 32
Aerial / Single (medium): lift enemies up with multiple strikes.

L15: Scarlet Thrust - SP: 38
Pierce / Single (large): lunge and lift enemies up.

L21: Heavenly Rage - SP: 57 *
Lv.3 - Arts Aerial / Range (large): strike the enemy multiple times from midair.


L01: Repth - SP: 16
Recover an ally's HP by 100. / Item: Health Drink

L02: Rip Duk - SP: 15
Cure an ally's Poison. / Item: Antidote Soda

L03: Rue Kruz - SP: 20
Normal / Single (small): toss up an enemy with water. / Scroll: Tidal Wave

L04: Rip Mumyn - SP: 20
Cure an ally's Sleep. / Item: Stimulant Soda

L05: Ul Repth - SP: 62
Recover an ally's HP by 200. / Healing Serum

L06: Zan Rom - SP: 24
Aerial / Range (small): create a tornado. / Scroll: Tornado

L07: Rip Maen - SP: 55
Revive an ally with 25% HP. / Revival Medicine

L08: La Repth - SP: 54
Recover all allies' HP by 100. / Item: Healing Rain

L09: Rip Maj - SP: 15
Cure an ally's Curse. / Item: Blessing Soda

L11: Ol Repth - SP: 80
Recover an ally's HP by 350. / Item: Healing Potion

L11: Rip Fin - SP: 20
Cure an ally's Seal. / Item: Solution Soda

L12: Ap Corv - SP: 15
Increase an ally's physical attack value by 3. / Item: Warrior Blood

L12: Ap Corma - SP: 15
Increase an ally's magic attack value by 3. / Item: Wizard Blood

L13: Rip Suvi - SP: 15
Cure an ally's Paralysis. / Item: Esthesio Soda

L14: Lau Repth - SP: 120
Recover all allies' HP by 200. / Item: Revive Rain

L15: Ap Vorv - SP: 15
Increase an ally's physical defense value by 3. / Item: Knight Blood

L15: Ap Vorma - SP: 15
Increase an ally's magic defense value by 3. / Item: Astrologer Blood

L16: Pha Repth - SP: 120
Fully Recover an ally's HP.

L17: Rig Saem - SP: 35
Gradually recover an ally's HP. / Item: Vital Talisman

L17: Rig Geam - SP: 35
Gradually recover an ally's SP. / Item: Spirit Talisman

L18: Lei Zas - SP: 42
Ray (medium): ray of light strikes all enemies to target. / Scroll: Light Arrows

L19: Lao Repth - SP: 225
Recover all allies' HP by 350. / Item: Healing Storm

L21: Rip Ranki - SP: 30
Cure an ally's Confusion. / Item: Lucid Soda

L21: Ap Do - SP: 20
Increase an ally's movement speed by 50%. / Speed Talisman

L22: Rip Palam - SP: 45
Cure all status effect on an ally. / Item: Wonder Soda

L22: LaPha Repth - SP: 338
Fully recover all allies. / Item: Revive Storm

L23: La Corv - SP: 40
Increase all allies' physical attack values by 3. / Item: Warrior Soul

L23: La Corm - SP: 40
Increase all allies' magic attack value by 3. / Item: Wizard Soul

L24: LaRig Saem - SP: 90
Gradually recover all allies' HP. / Item: Vital Charm

L24: LaRig Geam - SP: 90
Gradually recover all allies' SP. / Item: Spirit Charm

L25: La Vorv - SP: 40
Increase all allies' physical defense values by 3. / Item: Knight Soul

L25: La Vorm - SP: 40
Increase all allies' magic defense value by 3. / Item: Astrologer Soul

L26: PhaRip Maen - SP: 150
Fully revive an ally. / Item: Revive Potion


L01: Rue Kruz - SP: 20
Normal / Single (small): toss up an enemy with water. / Scroll: Tidal Wave

L02: Duk Lei - SP: 15
Inflict Poison on one enemy. / Scroll: The Death

L03: Zan Rom - SP: 24
Aerial / Range (small): create a tornado. / Scroll: Tornado

L04: Mumyn Lei - SP: 20
Inflict Sleep on one enemy. / Scroll: The Moon

L05: Gan Bolg - SP: 32
Pierce / Range (small): boulders fall from the sky. / Scroll: Earth Spike

L06: Repth - SP: 16
Recover an ally's HP by 100. / Item: Health Drink

L07: Vak Don - SP: 36
Pierce / Range (small): fire balls fall from the sky. / Scroll: Fire Storm

L08: Maj Lei - SP: 15
Inflict Curse on one enemy. / Scroll: The Devil

L11: Fin Lei - SP: 20
Inflict Seal on one enemy. / Item: The Emporer

L11: Lei Zas - SP: 42
Ray (medium): ray of light strikes all enemies to target. / Scroll: Light Arrows

L12: Dek Corv - SP: 12
Temporarily decrease an enemy's physical attack value by 3. / Item: Warrior Seal

L12: Dek Corma - SP: 12
Temporarily decrease an enemy's magic attack value by 3. / Item: Wizard Seal

L13: Suvi Lei - SP: 25
Inflict Paralysis on one enemy. / Item: The Hanged Man

L13: Ani Zot - SP: 48
Single (medium): cloud of darkness smothers enemy. / Scroll: Air Stroke

L14: Dek Vorv - SP: 12
Temporarily decrease an enemy's physical defense value by 3. / Item: Knight Seal

L14: Dek Vorma - SP: 12
Temporarily decrease an enemy's magic defense value by 3. / Item: Astrologer Seal

L15: OrRue Kruz - SP: 48
Single (medium): twin water dragons attack enemies. / Scroll: Water Dragon

L15: Ul Repth - SP: 45
Recover an ally's HP by 200. / Healing Serum

L16: OrZan Rom - SP: 64
Range (large): multiple tornadoes attack enemies. / Scroll: Hurricane Razor

L17: Ol Repth - SP: 80
Recover an ally's HP by 350. / Item: Healing Potion

L18: OrGan Bolg - SP: 75
Pierce / Range (large): boulder falls from the sky. / Scroll: Earth Rain

L19: OrVak Don - SP: 84
Pierce / Range (large): giant fire ball falls from the sky. / Scroll: Fire Barrel

L21: OrLei Zas - SP: 108
Ray (large): ray of light strikes all enemies to target. / Scroll: Holy Arrow

L22: Ranki Lei - SP: 35
Inflict Confusion on one enemy. / Item: The Fool

L23: MiDek Corv - SP: 28
Decrease all enemies' physical attack value by 3. / Item: Warrior Chain

L23: MiDek Corm - SP: 28
Decrease all enemies' magic attack values by 3. / Item: Wizard Chain

L24: Dek Do - SP: 20
Inflict Slow on one enemy.

L25: MiDek Vorv - SP: 28
Decrease all enemies' physical defense value by 3. / Item: Knight Chain

L25: MiDek Vorm - SP: 28
Decrease all enemies' magic defense value by 3. / Item: Astrologer Chain

L26: OrAni Zot - SP: 124
Single (large): a swarm of insects emerge from dark cloud. / Scroll: Hell Raiser


L01: Dek Corv - SP: 12
Temporarily decrease an enemy's physical attack value by 3. / Item: Warrior Seal

L01: Dek Corma - SP: 12
Temporarily decrease an enemy's magic attack value by 3. / Item: Wizard Seal

L02: Gan Bolg - SP: 32
Pierce / Range (small): boulders fall from the sky. / Scroll: Earth Spike

L03: Ap Corv - SP: 15
Increase an ally's physical attack value by 3. / Item: Warrior Blood

L03: Ap Corma - SP: 15
Increase an ally's magic attack value by 3. / Item: Wizard Blood

L04: Repth - SP: 16
Recover an ally's HP by 100. / Item: Health Drink

L05: Dek Vorv - SP: 12
Temporarily decrease an enemy's physical defense value by 3. / Item: Knight Seal

L05: Dek Vorma - SP: 12
Temporarily decrease an enemy's magic defense value by 3. / Item: Astrologer Seal

L06: Vak Don - SP: 36
Pierce / Range (small): fire balls fall from the sky. / Scroll: Fire Storm

L07: Ap Vorv - SP: 15
Increase an ally's physical defense value by 3. / Item: Knight Blood

L07: Ap Vorma - SP: 15
Increase an ally's magic defense value by 3. / Item: Astrologer Blood

L10: Duk Lei - SP: 15
Inflict Poison on one enemy. / Item: The Death

L10: Mumyn Lei - SP: 20
Inflict Sleep on one enemy. / Item: The Moon

L11: MiDek Corv - SP: 28
Decrease all enemies' physical attack value by 3. / Item: Warrior Chain

L11: MiDek Corm - SP: 28
Decrease all enemies' magic attack values by 3. / Item: Wizard Chain

L12: MiDek Vorv - SP: 28
Decrease all enemies' physical defense value by 3. / Item: Knight Chain

L12: MiDek Vorm - SP: 28
Decrease all enemies' magic defense value by 3. / Item: Astrologer Chain

L13: Ap Do - SP: 20
Increase an ally's movement speed by 50%. / Speed Talisman

L13: Dek Do - SP: 20
Inflict Slow on one enemy.

L14: Ul Repth - SP: 62
Recover an ally's HP by 200. / Healing Serum

L15: Ani Zot - SP: 48
Single (medium): cloud of darkness smothers enemy. / Scroll: Air Stroke

L16: La Corv - SP: 40
Increase all allies' physical attack values by 3. / Item: Warrior Soul

L16: La Corm - SP: 40
Increase all allies' magic attack value by 3. / Item: Wizard Soul

L17: La Vorv - SP: 40
Increase all allies' physical defense values by 3. / Item: Knight Soul

L17: La Vorm - SP: 40
Increase all allies' magic defense value by 3. / Item: Astrologer Soul

L18: Rip Maen - SP: 55
Revive an ally with 25% HP. / Revival Medicine

L19: Ol Repth - SP: 80
Recover an ally's HP by 350. / Item: Healing Potion

L21: Dek Orv - SP: 36
Decrease an enemy's physical attack and defense values by 3.

L21: Dek Orma - SP: 36
Decrease an enemy's magic attack and defense values by 3.

L22: Rig Saem - SP: 35
Gradually recover an ally's HP. / Item: Vital Talisman

L22: Rig Geam - SP: 35
Gradually recover an ally's SP. / Item: Spirit Talisman

L23: Lapu Do - SP: 55
Increase all allies' movement speed by 50%. / Item: Speed Charm

L24: Ap Orv - SP: 25
Increase an ally's physical attack and defense values by 3.

L24: Ap Orma - SP: 25
Increase an ally's magic attack and defense values by 3.

Dual Guns

L21: Justice - SP: ?? *
Lv.3 - Arts Normal / Single (large): rapid-attack with blade and gun.

Lv.3 Arts:
Level 3 Arts decrease in SP cost as your weapon level goes up. These are arguably the best skills in the game but their cost is quite high. This is what you've been saving up those Beginner's/Master's Books & Texts obtained in previous & current game for!

Ghost Falcon:
Lv.22: SP = 49
Lv.23: SP = 46
Lv.24: SP = 44
Lv.25: SP = 41
Lv.26: SP = 38
Lv.27: SP = 35
Lv.28: SP = 33
Lv.29: SP = 30
Lv.30: SP = 27

Armor Break:
Lv.22: SP = 59
Lv.23: SP = 56
Lv.24: SP = 52
Lv.25: SP = 49
Lv.26: SP = 46
Lv.27: SP = 42
Lv.28: SP = 39
Lv.29: SP = 36
Lv.30: SP = 33

Reaper's Dance:
Lv.22: SP = 63
Lv.23: SP = 59
Lv.24: SP = 56
Lv.25: SP = 52
Lv.26: SP = 49
Lv.27: SP = 45
Lv.28: SP = 42
Lv.29: SP = 38
Lv.30: SP = 35

Dust Bullet:
Lv.22: SP = 63
Lv.23: SP = 59
Lv.24: SP = 56
Lv.25: SP = 52
Lv.26: SP = 49
Lv.27: SP = 45
Lv.28: SP = 42
Lv.29: SP = 38
Lv.30: SP = 35

Shell Shock:
Lv.22: SP = 54
Lv.23: SP = 51
Lv.24: SP = 48
Lv.25: SP = 45
Lv.26: SP = 42
Lv.27: SP = 39
Lv.28: SP = 36
Lv.29: SP = 33
Lv.30: SP = 30

Devil Sword:
Lv.22: SP = 49
Lv.23: SP = 46
Lv.24: SP = 44
Lv.25: SP = 41
Lv.26: SP = 38
Lv.27: SP = 35
Lv.28: SP = 33
Lv.29: SP = 30
Lv.30: SP = 27

Heavenly Rage:
Lv.22: SP = 54
Lv.23: SP = 51
Lv.24: SP = 48
Lv.25: SP = 45
Lv.26: SP = 42
Lv.27: SP = 39
Lv.28: SP = 36
Lv.29: SP = 33
Lv.30: SP = 30

Lv.22: SP = ??
Lv.23: SP = ??
Lv.24: SP = 52
Lv.25: SP = 48
Lv.26: SP = 45
Lv.27: SP = 42
Lv.28: SP = 39
Lv.29: SP = 35
Lv.30: SP = 32


- Set party members strategies to "Rage" if they use phyiscal skills. This way they will spam skills which helps to raise their weapon levels quickly.

- Set party members to "Life" if they're Shadow Warlocks or Harvest Clerics. Get into a battle and let and enemies hurt you. They'll begin healing like crazy which helps raise their weapon levels quickly. Be sure to set their strategy to "Rage" or "Tenacity" after a battles over, or else they'll keep using healing skills if you're still hurt. It wastes SP since you only gain weapon exp in battles.

- For Haseos skills, Rengeki's help level your weapons up much quicker than regular Skill Trigger attacks. As such the Arena is a great place to get his weapon levels up.

- The items Beginner's Text and Beginner's Book can be bought at the Bad @$$ guild shop and obtained through trading with Corporal Yano & Henako. They're also rewards given to you by Kafu for collecting Chim Chims during bike missions. These add 50 EXP to a single persons and parties weapon level. They may possibly be finite however, and as the weapon level cap increases in later games it may be worth saving them. Keeping them until post-game is a good idea since you'll get some recruits with low weapon levels.
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